为 "i" 的搜索结果

beur /bɯr⁵³/ vi 不及物动 be fat (person or animal) | waq tvtei beur. The pig is pretty fat. 猪很肥. | vng beur beur e. He's very fat. 他很胖.

svbeur vt 及物动 fatten 使肥
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beuren /bɯ³¹rɛn⁵³/ n type of serpent mentioned in mythology 传说的一种龙
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beurong /bɯ³¹rɔŋ⁵³/ n roundworm (ascaris lumbricoides) 蛔虫
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beusheur /bɯ³¹ɕɯr⁵⁵/ n type of brightly colored, poisonous snake 一种红色的毒蛇 | Lives near people's homes. 住在家附近.
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beusop /bɯ³¹sɔp⁵⁵/ n snakeskin (蛇蜕的)皮 | Literally "snake shell". 直译“蛇壳”.
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beut /bɯt⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 lose 损失 | ngul beumbeum beut di. A lot of money has been lost. 钱损失了很多.

beutsheu vi 不及物动 perish 遇难
svbeut vt 及物动 cause loss; punish 使损失;罚
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beutei /bɯ³¹təi⁵⁵/ n python (mentioned in mythology) 传说中的巨蟒
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beutsheu /bɯt⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 die in a violent accident 遇难 | vng gya do beutsheu e. He perished here. 他是在这儿遇难的. | Examples include drowning, falling off a cliff. 如:掉水里,从悬崖滚下等意外灾祸. > beut
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bi /bi⁵³/ v 1give | gya pvbing rang. Give me that. 把这个给我吧. | gya neu vpei mi nvbing svra e. This is the gift my father gave me. 这是爸爸送给我的礼物. | (一乡)na le zeung ning. I am giving it to you. 我给你. 2offer 提供 3marry (a man) 嫁(女) | (First Township) zi /zi⁵⁵/
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Bingdvm /biŋ³¹dəm⁵⁵/ 1top 地名 Bingdam (Third Township village) 丙当(三乡村名) 2nprop 专有名 Bingdam clan 丙当家族
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binma /bin³¹mɑ⁵⁵/ n wound 伤口 | binma rvseq scab | (Fourth Township) bilma /bil³¹mɑ⁵⁵/
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bit'lv'bit /bit⁵⁵lə³¹bit⁵⁵/ adv 1weakly 软弱无力;有气无力 2trembling; shivering 发抖地
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bla /blɑ⁵⁵/ n image 雕像;塑像 | Includes pictures, drawings, statues etc. 包括画幅、雕像等等.
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blakpei /blɑk⁵⁵pəi⁵³/ n type of monkey 一种猴子
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blang /blɑŋ⁵³/ vi 不及物动 1crawl; creep 爬行 2forage (of animals) (动物)觅食 | vmra do kaq blang ra. In the field there are chickens scrounging around. 地里有鸡在觅食. 3breed (of animals) (动物)放养

svblang vt 及物动 put out to pasture 使觅食
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blaq /blɑʔ⁵⁵/ v lie on all fours (四肢张开着)趴 | vsa do mvnblaqsheu neu. Don't lie flat on the floor. 别趴在地上.
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blem /blɛm⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 overflow; spill | ngang blem pvngwa. The water is going to overflow. 水要溢出来了.

svblem vt 及物动 cause to overflow 使溢出
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bleuqbleuq /blɯ⁵⁵blɯʔ⁵⁵/ v have a fishy smell 有腥气
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blon /blɔn⁵³/ vi 不及物动 survive; be alive 活过来 | kaq blon di. The chicken is alive. 鸡活了. |

svblon vt 及物动 revive 救活
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blong /blɔŋ⁵³/ vi 不及物动 1crawl; slither (of worms, insects) (虫)爬 | na vnggeu do bvling blong. There's an insect crawling on you. 你的身上有虫(爬). 2slide down (something long and thin) (长条形的)滑下 | shing gyu le blong di. Slide down the log. 木头往下滑了.

svblong vt 及物动 cause to crawl; make slide down 使爬;使滑下
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bloqbloq /blɔ⁵⁵blɔʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be filthy; very dirty 脏兮兮
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blu /blu⁵⁵/ v discuss; talk over; negotiate 商量;商议 | ing blu chuq waai neu. Let's discuss it a bit. 我们商量一下.
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blung /bluŋ⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 billow; surge (水往上)溅(起水柱) | ngang ngo le blung. The water is billowing up. 水往上溅起.

svblung vt 及物动 splash 使溅起
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bluq /bluʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1be punctured; have a hole (in a basket or other receptacle) (篮子等有眼的容器)破(洞) | dong bluq di. There's a hole in the bamboo tube. 竹筒破了洞. 2leak

svbluq vt 及物动 break through 弄破
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blvng /bləŋ⁵³/ nclf 名量 instrument (object with handle) (一)把 | shvm ti blvng one knife 一把刀
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