为 "kyeu" 的搜索结果

svkyeu /sə³¹cɯ⁵⁵/ n Chinese flowering quince 木瓜
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svra wa kyeum /sə³¹rɑ⁵⁵ wɑ⁵³ cɯm⁵³/ n guardhouse; sentry post 哨所
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svrep /sə³¹rɛp⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 erect; set upright 竖立;使站立 | kyeum svrep erect a house 立房子 > rep
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tal /tɑl⁵⁵/ adv behind; back 背后 | na tal do tvng e? What's behind you? 你背后是什么? | kyeumtal behind the house 房后
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tapit /tɑ³¹pit⁵⁵/ n bamboo wattle (used for walls of a house) 竹篾笆 | tapit kyeum bamboo wattle house 竹蔑房 | (Fourth Township) jima /ʑi³¹mɑ⁵⁵/
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tvkyiq /tə³¹ciʔ⁵⁵/ v strangle (using rope) (用绳子)勒 | (First Township) tvkyeuq /tə³¹cɯʔ⁵⁵/
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tvsheup /tə³¹ɕɯp⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1be messy (of a house; a floor) (屋子、地板)杂乱 2make a mess 使杂乱 | kyeum mvntvsheup neu. Don't make a mess of the house. 别把屋子弄杂乱了.
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vbvl /ə³¹bəl⁵³/ vi 不及物动 1be bolted, locked, or latched (of a door) 闩上(门) | pvngka nvgvm nvbvn you lock the door 你锁门吧 2be penned in (of animals); be imprisoned 关起来 | waq pa'vbvlsheu. Pen in the pig. 把猪关起来. | vcvng vbvl kyeum jail 监狱 | kaq vbvl kyeum chicken coop; henhouse 鸡窝
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vgui /ə³¹gʷi⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be on the left (direction) 左(方向) | vngnik kyeum vgui pai paq. His house is on the left. 他们的家在左手边. | vgui ur left arm 左手 | vgui lap left side 左边 | (First Township) vgui lai /ə³¹gui⁵⁵ lɑi⁵⁵/ | (Fourth Township) vgui paq /ə³¹gui⁵⁵ pɑʔ⁵⁵/
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vkon /ə³¹kɔn⁵³/ v 1move; displace 搬移 | gya ko le pa'vkoon. Move this over there. 把这个搬到那儿. 2move (house) 搬家 | kyeum vkon
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vtar /ə³¹tɑr⁵⁵/ n bamboo wattle (for walls of a house) 竹蔑笆 | vtar kyeum bamboo wattle house 竹蔑房
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wensheu /wɛt⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ v go out; leave (a place) 出;走出 | (四乡)vng kyeum wei wensheu di. He rushed out the door (of his home). 他冲出了家门. > wen
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zvngsheu /zək⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 enter (of a person) 进(屋) | kyeum le pvzvngsheu ra. Enter the house. 你进屋里来. | (Fourth Township) jvngsheu /ʑək⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/
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