Search results for "to"

chikua /tɕi³¹kʷɑ⁵³/ n pumpkin 南瓜 | (First Township) kyikua /ci³¹kuɑ⁵³/
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ching /tɕiŋ⁵³/ vi 不及物动 1be small; tiny | vngsaq ching quiet 轻声 2be thin; fine 瘦;细 | vnggeu ching He's small (in stature). 个子小. 3be cramped; narrow | (First Township) cheung /ɯŋ⁵³/
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Chinreuidvm /tɕin³¹rɯi⁵³dəm⁵⁵/ top 地名 Chinreuidam (Fourth Township Village) 钦浪当(四乡村名)
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chiq /tɕiʔ⁵⁵/ v 1light (a fire) 点(火);打(火) | tvmi pvchiqsheu. You two light the fire. (你俩)点火. 2strike a light 打(火) | (First Township) cheuq /tɕɯʔ⁵⁵/
pvchiq v kindle 点(火)
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chiq /tɕiʔ⁵⁵/ v 1pinch | aang nvchiq rang. He's pinching me. 他掐我. 2wash (hands) 洗(手) | ur pvchiqsheu. Wash your hands a bit. 洗一下手吧. 3suckle (at a breast) 吃(奶) | nung chiq suckle at a breast 吃奶 | (First Township) cheuq /ɯʔ⁵⁵/
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chiwa /tɕi³¹wɑ⁵³/ prt 助词 supposedly (according to hearsay) 据说 | geuq chiwa supposedly 据说 | Cannot be used in isolation. 不能单独用. > chi, wa
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chol /tɕɔl⁵⁵/ n porch; outer area of house for sitting and entering 门廊;入口处 > tvngchon | (Fourth Township) chol /tɕɔl⁵⁵ /
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cholopa /tɕɔ⁵⁵lɔ³¹pɑ⁵⁵/ n type of bird that appears in winter (similar to a dove in size) 一种冬季出现的鸟(约鸽子大)
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chom /tɕɔm⁵⁵/ n rob (on the road) (土匪或者坏人来途中)抢劫 | vng svra choom wa. (I heard) his things were stolen. 说他被抢了. | Archaic. 古代.
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chor /tɕɔr⁵³/ v 1rush (of water) (水柱)涌出 2urinate; piss 尿(尿) | vng chi chor di. He went to take a piss. 他去小便了.
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chul /tɕul⁵⁵/ n 1Chinese mahogany tree (Cedrela chinensis) 椿树 2camphor tree 樟树 Cinnamonum camphara | (Fourth Township) chun /tɕun⁵⁵/
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chung pvri /tɕuŋ⁵⁵ pə³¹ri⁵⁵/ n swallow 燕子 | (First Township) charzi /tɕɑr³¹zi⁵⁵/ | (Fourth Township) chaibyeu /ɑi³¹bʲɯ⁵⁵/
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chung pvting /tɕuŋ⁵⁵ pə³¹tiŋ⁵⁵/ n type of waterfowl 一种水鸟 | (First Township) chung pvteung /tɕuŋ⁵⁵ pə³¹tɯŋ⁵⁵/
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Chuqdi /tɕuʔ⁵⁵di⁵³/ top 地名 Chudi (Second Township village) 求迪(二乡村名)
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chut /tɕut⁵⁵/ v pull out (hair) 拔(头发) | Fourth Township. 四乡话.
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Chv'lingdvm /tɕə³¹liŋ⁵⁵dəm⁵⁵/ top 地名 Chalingdam village 村名(四乡) | (First Township) Chv'leungdvm /tɕə³¹lɯŋ⁵⁵dəm⁵⁵/
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chv'nyong ni /tɕə³¹ɳɔŋ⁵³ ni⁵³/ n day before yesterday 前天 | (Fourth Township) chvgyin ni /chv³¹gyin⁵³ ni⁵³/
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chv'nyong par /tɕə³¹ɲoŋ⁵³ pɑr⁵⁵/ adv not long ago 前不久 | vng chv'nyong che loq di. He returned not long ago. 他前不久才回去的. | (Fourth Township) chv'nyong vlang /tɕə³¹ɲɔŋ⁵³ ə³¹lɑŋ⁵⁵/
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chvgya ni /tɕə³¹ɟɑ⁵⁵ ni⁵³/ n yesterday 昨天 | nga chvgya ni lok. I came back yesterday. 我昨天回来. | (Fourth Township) chvgya jvn /tɕə³¹ɟɑ⁵⁵ ʑən⁵³/
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chvhrai /tɕə³¹xrɑi⁵³/ n pebble (by the riverside) 江边的小石头 | ngang chvhrai beach 沙滩 | (Fourth Township) chvhai /tɕə³¹xɑi⁵³/
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chvhreu /tɕə³¹xrɯ⁵⁵/ n horn (of an animal) (动物)角 | It was traditionally prestigious to hang cattle horns in one's home. Hunters may also hang them as trophies. 作为猎人的战利品. | (Fourth Township) tvheu /tə³¹xɯ⁵⁵/
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chvhri /tɕə³¹xri⁵⁵/ n gall bladder | (四乡)sheui tvhi bear gall 熊胆 | (四乡)vsvr tvhi bharal bladder 岩羊胆 | Animal gall bladders are commonly used as medical remedy. The size of a slaughtered animal's gall bladder is a sign of the slaughterer's future prosperity. 经常用于药材. 屠宰动物的胆囊大小是屠夫的未来繁荣的标志. | (Fourth Township) tvhi /tə³¹xi⁵⁵/
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chvkeui /tɕə³¹kɯi⁵⁵/ n burial objects (used by the deceased during their lifetime, left on top of the burial site, e.g. crossbow, loom) 坟墓上挂的死者物品(如弩弓、织布机)
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chvkor /tɕə³¹kɔr⁵⁵/ n whirlpool (formed because of some obstruction) 河流因地形的阻拦,影响形成的漩涡 | ngang chvkor | (First Township) ngangkor /ŋɑŋ³¹kɔr⁵⁵/
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chvkut /tɕə³¹kut⁵⁵/ v 1shrink 缩成 | vng vngpong kya hreq chvkutsheu. It shrunk into something round. 他缩得象个圆型. 2bend; warp 弯曲
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