为 "eu" 的搜索结果

Ceun /tsɯn⁵⁵/ nprop 专有名 fourth-born male 老四(男) | Term of address: Keuru. 称呼:Keuru.
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cha /tɕɑ⁵⁵/ v 1dye; color 2smear; daub | gya mi pvcha sheu. Smear it with this. 用这个染.
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chagyet /tɕɑ³¹ɟɛt⁵⁵/ n trivet (tripod for holding pots over the fire pit) (火塘上支锅的)三脚架 | Same term used by neighboring Nu and Tibetans. Cf. mvgreu. 当地怒族藏族也用.
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chakeu /tɕɑ³¹kɯ⁵⁵/ n hot water (for tea) 没有打过茶水
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chaling /tɕɑ³¹liŋ⁵⁵/ n crawl space (under a house) (房屋)底下 | (First Township) chaleung /tɕɑ³¹lɯŋ⁵⁵/
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chansheu /tɕɑt⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 1stretch oneself (of people, animals); lean forward 伸腰;探身 | vnggeu chansheu stretch one's body 身伸腰 2grow; creep (of plants, vines) 增长(植物、瓜藤) > chan
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charlam /tɕɑr³¹lɑm⁵⁵/ n gutter (under the eaves of a house) 屋檐下房屋四周的水沟 | charlam do ngang beumbeum vdeum. There's a lot of water in the gutter. 屋檐下房屋四周的水沟里积水很多. |
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chat /tɕɑt⁵⁵/ v discard; throw away 丢弃;扔;撒 | vya pvchaat. Throw that out. 把那个扔了. | mvcheu chat throw wherever you like 随便撒
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chatsheu /tɕɑt⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 jump
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cheqsheu /tɕɛʔ⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 open wide (mouth) 张(开) | neui cheqsheu gape 张嘴
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cher /tɕɛr⁵⁵/ n kernel (husked grain) 颗粒(脱壳后的粮食) | vmbeu cher rice grain 大米颗粒 | tabong cher corn kernel 包谷颗粒 | zaicher pearl millet kernel 小米颗粒
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cheu /tɕɯ⁵⁵/ 1vt 及物动 catch (with a fishing net) (用夹网)夹(鱼) | ngvplaq cheu beung ning. I'm going to catch fish. 我去夹鱼. 2n fishing net (hung on two long bamboo canes) 夹网
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cheu'meq /tɕɯ³¹mɛʔ⁵⁵/ n fishing net mesh 夹网眼
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cheu'plang /tɕɯ³¹plɑŋ⁵⁵/ n spirit takes that possession of shamans or those in an alcoholic frenzy (also called u'plang) 一种神灵(着魔巫师,发酒风的人) | (Fourth Township) chi'plang /tɕi³¹plɑŋ⁵⁵/
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cheudor /tɕɯ³¹dɔr⁵³/ n fishing net pole 夹网竿
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cheugyvng /tɕɯ³¹ɟəŋ⁵³/ n fishing net 鱼网
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cheum /tɕɯm⁵³/ quant 数量 1more; much | cheum pvluu rvt. Take a little more. 多拿一点来. | na cheum ta so. You understand quite a bit (of what's being said.) 你还是很听得懂. | (四乡)chvnuq gvm taq rong live pretty well 好好地生活 2comparatively; quite 比较 | (Fourth Township) chunuq /tɕu³¹nuʔ⁵⁵/
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*cheum /tɕɯm⁵⁵/ n 1maternal aunt 姨妈 2aunt (wife of paternal uncle) 叔母;伯母 3stepmother 后母 | (Fourth Township) nyanya /ɲɑ⁵⁵ɲɑ⁵⁵/

nvcheum n (your) maternal aunt; aunt (wife of paternal uncle); stepmother (你/你们的)姨妈;叔母;伯母;后母
vcheum n (my/our) maternal aunt; wife of paternal uncle; stepmother; older woman (我的)姨妈;叔母;伯母;后母;阿姨
vngcheum n (his/her/their) maternal aunt; wife of paternal uncle; stepmother (他/她/他们的)姨妈;叔母;伯母;后母
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cheup /tɕɯp⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 chew; gnaw (sugar cane, corncob) 啃(甘蔗、玉米杆)
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cheuq /tɕɯʔ⁵⁵/ 1interj 感叹 damn (expresses displeasure or pain) 哎哟(表示被淋湿) | cheuq, nvshaq rang. Damn, you soaked me. 哎哟,我被淋湿了. 2v serve (someone) right, expressing schadenfreude 活该(表示幸灾乐祸) | wei, tvcheuqcheuq. Serves him right! 活该!
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chi /tɕi³¹/ prt 助词 past evidential 经验示征 | vng rvngtong do vblaq raq chi e. (At that time) he arrived in winter. (当时)他是冬天到来的. | hra neu eqwa blat chi. This is how you weave a basket (based on our experience). 篮子要这样编. | ewa mv'oo chi. You don't do that (according to us). (咱们的习惯)不能那样做. | Especially used in stories, followed by wa. 专门用于故事,随后有 wa.

chiwa prt 助词 supposedly 据说
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chicheung /tɕi³¹tɕɯŋ⁵³/ vi 不及物动 be very small 小小的 | mvdur chicheung cu put forth tender little shoots 吐出点点嫩芽
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chideut /tɕi³¹dɯt⁵⁵/ n water rat 水鼠 | ngang do chideut lang. The water rat is swimming in the water. 水里有水鼠在游. |
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chin /tɕin⁵⁵/ 1v tie up | lvgru pvchinsheu. Tie up your shoes. 把鞋系上. 2n laces 带子 | lvgru chin shoelaces 鞋带
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ching /tɕiŋ⁵³/ vi 不及物动 1be small; tiny | vngsaq ching quiet 轻声 2be thin; fine 瘦;细 | vnggeu ching He's small (in stature). 个子小. 3be cramped; narrow | (First Township) cheung /ɯŋ⁵³/
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