Search results for "ten"

to /tɔ⁵⁵/ v 1) hear 2) listen Agentive non-first person. 非第一人称,强调式. > Irregularly Inflected Form 屈折变体 ta
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tu /tu⁵⁵/ num 1thousand (1000) 2jiao (one-tenth of a yuan)
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tvchvt /tə³¹tɕət⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 tighten 使紧;弄紧 > chvt
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tvntaq /tət⁵⁵tɑʔ⁵⁵/ adv until now 到目前为止 | vng tvntaq mvkongsheu. He still hasn't gotten out of bed. 他还没有起床. | ngei tvntaq sha kei mvring. I've never eaten meat. 我从来没吃过肉. | Usually followed by negative. 以后经常加否定词.
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tvpaisheu /tə³¹pɑi⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 pretend (to do) 装着(做)
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useup /u³¹sɯp⁵⁵/ n mint 鱼香草;薄荷 | useup tei mal beui. There's already not much mint left. 鱼香草已经很不多了. | Two types: one eaten by pigs, one eaten by people. 有两种,一种喂猪,一种人吃.
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v'ngam /ə³¹ŋɑm⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 extend out (from a hole) (洞里)伸出 ko do tvng v'ngam e? What's that extending out over there? 那儿伸出来的是什么? > ngam
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vcuqsheu /ə³¹tsuʔ⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ v pay attention; be mindful 注意;留意 | vnvm gvm vsuqshing ning. From now on I'll be mindful of that. 以后我要留意. | (Fourth Township) vsuqsheu /ə³¹suʔ⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/
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vdang madang /ə³¹dɑŋ⁵⁵ mɑ⁵⁵dɑŋ⁵⁵/ adv 1often 常常 2at all times; always 时时刻刻;总是 | (Fourth Township) vda mada /ə³¹dɑ⁵⁵ mɑ³¹dɑ⁵⁵/
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vga /ə³¹gɑ⁵³/ interj 感叹 hey (to draw someone's attention or stop someone from doing something) 哎(表示提醒) | vga na'vdvpsheu ra neu. Hey, be careful you don't fall. 哎,小心摔倒.
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vhrvk /ə³¹xrək⁵⁵/ v fasten 系好
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vjeup /ə³¹ʑɯp⁵⁵/ v rub to soften (e.g. animal skin) 搓(碎) | gya pa'vjeeup rvt. Come rub this (to soften it). 你来把这个搓碎.
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vji /ə³¹ʑi⁵⁵/ n Guozhang dance 锅庄舞 | vji chvm dance the Guozhang 跳锅庄舞 | Popular folk dance across the region, performed in a circle, often with one dancer in the middle. 云南少数民族的一个很流行的圆圈进行的民间舞蹈,经常在中间有一个舞蹈演员.
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vjon /ə³¹ʑɔn⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1piss inadvertently (wet the bed, piss one's pants) 尿(床、裤) | ang chi vjoon ri. He wet the bed. 他尿床了. 2shit out 屙出
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vkraq /ə³¹krɑʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1be surprised 吃惊;使吃惊 2be frightened 吓;吓一跳 | vng vkraq di. He started (with fright). 他吓了一跳. | aang na'vkrvk. He frightened me. 他吓了我. > kraq
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vlem /ə³¹lɛm⁵⁵/ n type of kitchen utensil, long and made of wood, used to stir the pot 一种厨具;搅锅的长木片
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vmet /ə³¹mɛt⁵⁵/ n 1(my/our) female first cousin (daughter of maternal uncle or paternal aunt) (我/我们的)舅父或姑妈的女儿 2(my/our) sister-in-law (brother's wife's sisters) (我/我们的)嫂嫂;姻亲姊妹 | Denotes traditional potential marriage partners. 潜在的传统婚姻伴侣. > *met
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vng'li /əŋ³¹li⁵³/ n propriety; politeness 礼貌 | vng'li tei vl taq greung be full of politeness 显得彬彬有礼
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vnghya meu /ək⁵⁵xʲɑ⁵⁵ mɯ⁵⁵/ num million 百万 | Literally "hundred ten thousands". 直译“百万”. | (First Township) vngsha meu /ək⁵⁵ɕɑ⁵⁵ mɯ⁵⁵/ | (Fourth Township) vngsha meu /ək⁵⁵ɕɑ⁵⁵ mɯ⁵⁵/
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vsvng /ə³¹səŋ⁵³/ vi 不及物动 brighten (of the sky) (天)亮 | nvm vsvng di. The sky's brightened. 天亮了.
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vyvl /ə³¹jəl⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1extend 延伸 2spread (e.g. of a vine) 蔓延(树藤)
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wei /wəi⁵³/ interj 感叹 hey (to draw someone's attention) 喂(提醒人家)
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wvn /wən⁵⁵/ n type of grass which can be used to make tinder or eaten after drying in the sun 一种草,晒干后可以制火绒,也可以食用
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zom mvdur /zɔm⁵³ mə³¹dur⁵³/ n soft, edible bud of the Chinese mahogany tree (Toona sinensis) 香椿嫩芽(可食) | zom mvdur blvng jin kei nyi. The Chinese mahogany leaves can be cooked and eaten. 香椿嫩芽可以炒吃.
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