为 "Chin" 的搜索结果

vlu hvbiq /ə³¹lu⁵³ xə³¹biʔ⁵⁵/ n Gastrodia root (used in Chinese medicine) 天麻(药材)
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vna chin /ə³¹nɑ⁵³ tɕin⁵⁵/ n earlobe 耳垂
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vngpuq /ək⁵⁵puʔ⁵⁵/ n width (of a flat surface) 宽度(平面) | vngpuq ching narrow | vngpuq tei wide
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vngtung /ək⁵⁵tuŋ⁵⁵/ n thickness 粗细 | vngtung ching thin
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Vpuq /ə³¹puʔ⁵⁵/ nprop 专有名 Jingpo (or Kachin) ethnic group 景颇族
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vpvt /ə³¹pət⁵⁵/ v 1start up (of a machine) (机关)发动;被触动 | minda vpvt di. The gun went off. 枪响了. 2loosen | igyeuq vpvt the rope loosens 绳子松了
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vseui /ə³¹sɯi⁵⁵/ v scratch | vng u vseuisheu. He's scratching his head. 他挠头.
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vtoq /ə³¹tɔʔ⁵⁵/ v prop up; support 支撑;抵 | ur vtoq arm wrestle 摆手腕 | nvpching vtoq push up against the door 抵住门
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vya /ə³¹jɑ⁵³/ dem 指示代 that (medial) 那;那个 | vya svnaq and so on 等等 | vya me neu besides this 除了...之外 | tei vya, ching vya big ones, small ones 大的,小的
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zom /zɔm⁵³/ n Chinese mahogany tree (Toona sinensis) 香椿树
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zom mvdur /zɔm⁵³ mə³¹dur⁵³/ n soft, edible bud of the Chinese mahogany tree (Toona sinensis) 香椿嫩芽(可食) | zom mvdur blvng jin kei nyi. The Chinese mahogany leaves can be cooked and eaten. 香椿嫩芽可以炒吃.
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zvtan /zə³¹tɑn⁵⁵/ n barnyard millet (Echinochloa) 稗子 | Most common kind of barley. 最普通的大麦.
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