为 "bo" 的搜索结果

kamseum /kɑp⁵⁵sɯp⁵⁵/ n seeds produced when bamboo blooms 竹子开花结的籽
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kang /kɑŋ⁵⁵/ v open up 翻开;揭开;掀开 | gyaq jvgye nvkang. Open the book 把书打开
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kang'reu /kɑŋ³¹rɯ⁵⁵/ n tiger bone 虎骨
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kap /kɑp⁵⁵/ n type of spirit that lives in rocky places, has a human appearance, supposedly was originally human, both male and female versions are very attractive, causing humans to lose consciousness and forget the way home 居住在岩石上的一种神灵,相貌像人,传说是由人变成的,男女都十分俊美,但经常使人神志不清,迷茫忘返回家
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keut /kɯt⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 cook; boil 煮(菜) | kvn pvkeutsheu. Cook the greens. 把菜煮上.
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klvp /kləp⁵⁵/ v peel (thin bamboo strips used for weaving) 削(竹蔑) | vng kam klvp. He's peeling bamboo. 他削竹蔑.
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ko le gya le /kɔ⁵⁵ lɛ³¹ ɟɑ⁵³ lɛ³¹/ adv 1here and there; everywhere 到处 2each other; on both sides 两边;互相;彼此 | ko le gya le svlvpsheu teach each other 互相教
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kongshi /kɔk⁵⁵ɕi⁵⁵/ n boat (usually a wooden raft) 船(木头的) | kongshi ti lung one boat 一只船
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kop /kɔp⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 cover 盖;遮盖 | zvguaq pvkoop. Cover up the vegetables 把菜盖上. | jvgye nvkop close the book 关书
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koq /kɔʔ⁵⁵/ nclf 名量 long, thin object (e.g. blade of grass) (一)根 | rvmvng ti koq one green bamboo stem 一竿翠竹 | (一乡)sheung kyekoq one tree 一根树
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krvng /krəŋ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1be strong (e.g. like a bow) 有劲的(弓) | gyaq tana tvtei krvng. This bow is very stiff. 这弩弓很硬. 2be hale and hearty; in robust health (身体)硬朗 | vng vnggeu tvtei krvng. His body is very healthy. 他的身体很好.
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-kuang /kʷɑŋ⁵³/ n place (where a particular activity takes place) 处(专门来做谋事的地方) | neneq sa kuang place for pooping 大便的地方 | kamkuang place for harvesting bamboo 收割竹子的地方
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kuchi /ku³¹tɕi⁵⁵/ n circular food chest with cover, woven from very thin straps of bamboo 食品盒(圆形,竹编的)
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Kuen /kʷɛn⁵⁵/ nprop 专有名 third-born male 老三(男)
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kuq /kuq⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 ferment (酒)酿成 | neu kuq pvngwa. The alcohol is about to ferment. 酒要酿成了.

svkuq vt 及物动 cause to ferment 使酿成
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kvlang /kə³¹lɑŋ⁵⁵/ n plant stalk | tabong kvlang corn stalk 玉米秆
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kvp /kəp⁵⁵/ v 1cover (the tops of household utensils, or other things that have a cover) 盖住(器皿口) | dong pvkap. Cover the bamboo tube. 把筒盖上. 2fill up (hole) 塞满(口)
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Kvreng /kə³¹rɛŋ⁵⁵/ nprop 专有名 first-born female 老大(女)
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kvseqsheu /kə³¹sɛʔ⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 1boast 自夸(含贬义) 2brag 吹牛
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kvsvnsheu /kə³¹sət⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 boast; show off 自夸;自我炫耀 | vng ewa kvsvnsheu. He boasts like that. 他那样自夸(说). > kvsvn
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kvt /kət⁵⁵/ v plant 种植;种 | vngne tvnni tabong kvt. The two of them are planting corn today. 他俩今天种玉米.
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Kvwakarpu /kə³¹wɑ⁵³kɑr³¹pu⁵⁵/ top 地名 Kawagebo mountain (especially Gyangmu Kawakarpu near Gongshan) 卡瓦格博(尤其贡山境内高黎贡山最高峰) | Name especially for the four tallest and most sacred mountains in the region, one in each cardinal direction. 在每个基本方向四个最高和最神圣山的名称.

Gyangmu Kvwakarpu top 地名 Great Kawagebo Mountain (in the Gaoligong mountains near Gongshan) 卡瓦格博(贡山境内高黎贡山最高峰)
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kyebeuq /cɛ³¹bɯʔ⁵⁵/ n bamboo cabinet (竹子编的)柜子
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kyeu /cɯ⁵⁵/ n type of bamboo 一种竹子
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kyeu'mi /cɯ³¹mi⁵³/ n type of dried tofu strips produced from bamboo shoots 一种竹笋加工成的腐竹食品
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