为 "eu" 的搜索结果

chvnen /tɕə³¹nɛn⁵⁵/ n type of black and yellow bird 一种鸟,黄色黑色 | nvm'leum nvm du, chvnen geuq ra. The warm season is here, the birds are calling. 春天到了,听见春鸟在叫.
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chvngkeu /tɕək⁵⁵kɯ⁵⁵/ n rice wine moonshine 水酒
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chvningwang /tɕə³¹niŋ⁵⁵wɑŋ⁵³/ n last year 去年 | (First Township) chvneungwang /tɕə³¹nɯŋ⁵⁵wɑŋ⁵³/
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chvt /tɕət⁵⁵/ v have a stomach virus 翻肠子 | pvgyeu chvt
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chvteung /tɕə³¹tɯŋ⁵³/ n deep spot (good for fishing); still pool of water (in a river) (江流)深水潭(可以钓鱼的)
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ciq /tsiʔ⁵⁵/ 1vt 及物动 build by laying bricks, stones etc. 砌;垒 | vngning lung ciq ra. They are laying stones (for a building). 他们在砌石块. 2n pile (firewood, stone) 堆(柴堆、石墙) | (First Township) ceuq /tsɯʔ⁵⁵/ | (Fourth Township) cuq /cuʔ⁵⁵/
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co'ceuq /tsɔ³¹tsɯʔ⁵⁵/ n table 桌子 | Chinese loanword. 汉语借词.
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co'naq /tsɔ³¹nɑʔ⁵⁵/ n direction in which spirits face, and towards which a dead person should be facing in order to become a spirit 一种鬼灵存在的方向 | (一乡)mvr co'naq lai le maqvpoq hreq pvwasheu. Don't turn your face in the direction of the spirits. 不要把脸朝向鬼灵存在的那个方向. | After a person dies and his face is in the spirit direction, he will remain dead (unable to become a spirit). 人死后如果脸朝向“朝拿”,就会继续死人.
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cong /tsɔŋ⁵³/ 1vt 及物动 pile up; stack; heap | shing gya lok lacoong. Pile up the firewood here. 把柴堆这儿. | congkyeum concrete (block) houses 水泥房 2nclf 名量 pile
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cu bv'ling /tsu⁵⁵ bə³¹liŋ⁵⁵/ n shrimp | Literally "lake insect". 直译“湖虫”. | (First Township) cu bv'leung /tsu⁵⁵ bə³¹lɯŋ⁵⁵/
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cung wa /tsuŋ³¹ wɑ⁵³/ v engage in commerce; buy and sell 做买卖 | cung wa vcvng merchant, businessman 生意人 | cungwa kyeum small shop 小卖部
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cur /tsur⁵⁵/ adv sizzling sound of deep frying 油炸的声音,象声词 | cur wa geuq. It's making that sizzling sound. “嗻”地响. | Onomatapoetic. 象声词.
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cvng /tsəŋ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 mate (of animals) (动物)交配 | gyaq pe geu cang. This animal is mating. 这个动物正在交配.

svcvng vt 及物动 cause to mate 使(牲畜)交配
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cvri /tsə³¹ri⁵⁵/ n thread (usually of plant or cotton fiber for weaving) 线 | gyoq wa sa cvri thread of woven cloth 织布的线 | cvri svteum knotted cord formerly used for counting (especially days), with each node representing one unit 以前算数(算天)的工具
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cvt /tsət⁵⁵/ v estimate; reckon 估计;估量 | ngei cvt be vya dvngbeum mal. I reckon there aren't that many. 我估量没那么多.
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-cvt /tsət⁵⁵/ dem 指示代 such (an extent) 多么(程度) | (四乡)yasvt vli lungdeung such a heavy rock 这么重的石头 | (四乡)ya dvngsvt tei lungdeung such a large rock 这么大的石头 | dvngcvt? About how many? 大概多少? | (Fourth Township) -svt /sət⁵⁵/
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dajeu /dɑ³¹ʑɯ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be set up (of a target) (靶子)摆放着
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dalsheu /dɑl⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ v stand (leaning) (斜靠着)站 | vya do mvndalsheu neu. Don't stand leaning there. 别站在那儿.
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dalsheu /dɑl⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ v admit; acknowledge 承认
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dang /dɑŋ⁵³/ vt 及物动 1lean (an object) | gya ko do pvdangsheu. Lean this over there. 把这个靠在那儿. 2rely; depend 依靠;依赖 3do for; do in the name of 以...名义 | nga vpei dang wei svlvpsheu. I study for my dad. 我为爸爸读书. | nga na dang wei kvsvnshing. I am proud of him. 我为你骄傲.

dangsheu vi 不及物动 lean 倚靠
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dangsheu /dɑk⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 rest against; lean on (of a person) 倚靠 | vya do mvndangsheu neu. Don't lean there. 别靠在那儿. > dang
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daq /dɑʔ⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 reach; get to 够得着 | vya le mvdaqsheu. The two of us can't reach there. 那儿我俩够不着.
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daq lashe /dɑʔ⁵⁵ la³¹she⁵⁵/ interj 感叹 forget it 算了 | ewa e meu be, daq lashe. Even if that's the way it is, forget it. 既然这样,那就算了.
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dar /dɑr⁵³/ n riverbank (江、河)岸 | neup dar west bank (of a river) 西岸
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dareu /dɑ³¹rɯ⁵³/ v argue; fight 吵架 Fourth Township. 四乡话. > dvreu
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