Search results for "bo"

kyeumboq /cɯm³¹bɔʔ⁵⁵/ adv area near the house 房附近 | kyeumboq kyeumchem on all sides of the house 房子四周
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Kyvng /cəŋ⁵⁵/ nprop 专有名 third-born female 老三(女) | Term of address: Gvreq. 称呼:Gvreq.
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lai /lɑi⁵⁵/ nclf 名量 side; that side 边;那边 | ko lai gyaq lai both sides (on this side and that side) 两边(那边这边) | First Township. 一乡话.
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laiq /lɑiʔ⁵⁵/ v flash (of lightning) 闪(电) | lakur laiq a big bolt of lightning 大闪 | chvngbal laiq lightning flashes 闪电
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laiqsheu /lɑiʔ⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 1come out 出来 2relieve oneself (with a bowel movement) 解(大便) 3confess (one's crime) 招供 | vng ka laiqsheu. He confessed. 他招供了. > lai
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lama /lɑ³¹mɑ⁵⁵/ adv 1especially 特别地;特殊地 2actually 实际上 | vng lama sheu mvsoo do, ewa kvsvtsheu. Even though he really doesn't understand, he's still boastful like that. 他也不怎么懂但这样吹牛.
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lan /lɑn⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be bare; naked (lower part of the body) (下身)赤裸;躶体 | vng lan rong. He's naked. 他赤裸着. | hrei vng'lan barefoot 光着脚 | hreilan di walk barefoot 赤脚走
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lan /lɑn⁵⁵/ n section; part; internode 间;部分 | hreilan / hrei vng'lan section of leg (between knee and ankle) 小腿(膝盖和脚关节之间的部分) | urlan section of forearm (between elbow and wrist) 前臂(手关节和肘关节之间的部分) | kam vng'lan bamboo internode 竹子两端茎节之间的部分(能包括节)
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laq /lɑʔ⁵⁵/ v lick | dvgeui peurkoq laq ra. The dog is licking the bowl. 狗在舔碗.
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le /lɛ³¹/ post 后置 1allative (to; towards) 夺格 | kyeum le vblaq teum after we went back home 回家以后 2anti-ergative (recipient, patient, benefactive) 反作格 | tvng le nadvgvng? What are you being so stubborn about? 你倔强什么? | vta jvng geuq e? What do you want to say? 你想说什么? 3purposive (in order to) 目的格(为了) | prase kei le come to raid the people 来剥削老百姓 | (Fourth Township) jvng /ʑəŋ³¹/
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lei /ləi⁵⁵/ v 1load (weapon) 上(膛) 2start; turn on (machine) 开(机关) 3draw (bow) 张(弩) | tana pvlai. Draw your bow. 你张弩.
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lemu /lɛ³¹mu⁵⁵/ n bamboo flute 笛子
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leu /lɯ⁵³/ vi 不及物动 have sex 干(性交) | Taboo word. 禁忌词.
svleu vt 及物动 force into sex 使干
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loco /lɔ³¹tsɔ⁵⁵/ n stove | Chinese or Lisu borrowing. Modern appliance not usually found in Dulong homes. 汉语或傈僳语借词.
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lokur /lo⁵⁵kur⁵⁵/ n bamboo basket 竹篮
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long /lɔŋ⁵³/ v make smooth (wood or a bundle of bamboo) 使(木头、竹捆)滑下 | vngning shing'lang long di. They're going to make the logs smooth. 他们去滑木头了.
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long /lɔŋ⁵⁵/ n belong to particular sign of the Chinese zodiac 属(生肖) | kaq long be born in the year of the chicken 属鸡
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lung /luŋ⁵⁵/ 1n rock; stone 石头 | vseum lung lung three stones 三个石头 2n circle 3nclf 名量 round object (stone, bowl, grain of rice) (一)颗;粒;碗;石头 | sa ti lung one tooth 一颗牙齿 | tabong vng'lung corn kernel 玉米粒 4nclf 名量 three-dimensional object (一)立体物 | kyeum ti lung one house 一座房子 | ulung entire head 头(全部)
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lungboq /luŋ³¹bɔʔ⁵⁵/ n type of small organism, the size of a rice grain, yellow in color, that lives and groups together on rocks 一种成群的在岩石上生活的黄色的小生物(约米粒大小)
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lungbor /luŋ³¹bɔr⁵⁵/ n game that involves picking up stones 捡石子游戏
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lungpei /luk⁵⁵pəi⁵³/ n large rock (usually liftable) 大石块
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lungpon /luk⁵⁵pɔn⁵⁵/ n boulder; large rock 大岩石 | wangchvng lungpon large boulder on the side of the river 江边的大岩石
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lvbor /lə³¹bɔr⁵⁵/ v commit suicide 自杀 | vng lvbor wa wa. Apparently he committed suicide. 说他自杀了.
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lvmgroq /ləm³¹grɔʔ⁵⁵/ n thin strap for puttees, which binds them above the calf 绑腿带子
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megyeng /mɛ³¹ɟɛŋ⁵⁵/ n type of small fish, about one foot long 一种较小的鱼,约一尺长
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