Search results for "to"

dop /dɔp⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 wrap (e.g. with thread) 包扎(布条) | gya mi pvdopsheu. Use this to wrap it. 你用这个包扎. | Fourth Township. Also used in personal names to indicate a tangled umbilical cord at birth, e.g. Pung Dop. 四乡话. 也用于人命指出生时脐带纠结,如:Pung Dop.
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dor /dɔr⁵³/ v emerge 冒出来 | ko mvli le dor emerge from there 从那边冒出来的 | (Fourth Township) ben /bɛn⁵⁵/
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dot /dɔt⁵⁵/ v prop up 顶;抵住 | nvpching gya mi pvdoot. Use this to prop open the door. 门用这个抵住.
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duduq /du³¹duʔ⁵⁵/ 1n vomit (呕吐的)秽物 2v vomit 呕吐 | nga duduq pvgeung. I want to vomit. 我想吐. | duduq duq vomit 呕吐
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dung /duŋ⁵⁵/ n 1hole (in roof, in clothing, nostril etc.) 2natural source of salt water, where takins go to drink 盐水的源头
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dv- /də³¹/ v causative 使动态 | vpraq dvboq blow up the cliff (to repair the road) 炸悬崖(修路) | Apparently not a productive affix, but goes before certain monosyllabic roots with voiced initial consonants. Related to Rawang dv-. 显然不是一个派生词缀,可以加在浊辅音声母的单音节动词前,跟日旺语 dv- 有关系.
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dvbang /də³¹bɑŋ⁵⁵/ adv too; really 太;不怎么 | vhrei ding be, dvbang di mvkyang. We won't get there by walking. 走路的话,走不起. | dvbang mvtei. It's not very big. 不是很大. | Often used with negative. 常常用于否定句.
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dvbeqsheu /də³¹bɛʔ⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 fall; drop 坠落 | vng kyeum'u pang dvbeqsheu. He fell down from the roof. 他从屋顶摔下来. | (Fourth Township) dvbleqsheu /də³¹blɛʔ⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/
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dvbeum /də³¹bɯm⁵⁵/ 1v pile up | hvbiq gya do padvbeumsheu. Pile up the potatoes here. 把土豆堆在这儿. 2n pile | kam ti dvbeum a pile of bamboo 一堆竹子 3v plus; add (numbers)
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dvbiq /də³¹biʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be flexible; not rigid 松软;不坚硬 | (First Township) dvbeuq /də³¹bɯʔ⁵⁵/
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dvbleu /də³¹blɯ⁵³/ n wormwood (a type of plant) 蒿子(一种草) | Common plant, with a foul odor, can be boiled and rubbed inside the anus to ease diarrhea. Source of a river name in Burma, Dvbleu rvmei. 常见的植物,有难闻的气味,可煮揉肛门内缓解腹泻. 缅甸河名的来源.
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dvblvng /də³¹bləŋ⁵³/ v 1speak quickly (快速地)说 2yammer; jabber 讲(含贬义) 3speak without stopping 不停的讲话
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dvbon /də³¹bɔn⁵⁵/ v present to a superior | Archaic expression shu dvbon refers to the buying and selling of slaves. 古代说法 shu dvbon 指的是买卖努力.
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dvbrvt /də³¹brət⁵⁵/ v annihilate; put an end to 消灭 > brvt
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dvbyu /də³¹bʲu⁵³/ n pus | (First Township) seuzeu /sɯ³¹zɯ⁵³/
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Dvdung /də³¹duŋ⁵⁵/ top 地名 Dadung (Fourth Township Village) 独都(四乡村名)
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dvgeu /də³¹gɯ⁵⁵/ 1v cover up 遮;遮掩;遮盖 | gya mi padvgeusheu. Use this to cover yourself up. 用这个遮住你自己. 2n covered item 遮蔽物
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dvgeui /də³¹gɯi⁵⁵/ n dog | (First Township) dvgi /də³¹gi⁵⁵/
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dvgeui sa /də³¹gɯi⁵⁵ sɑ⁵³/ n incisor (tooth) 犬齿;门牙
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dvgeung /də³¹gɯŋ⁵³/ 1vi 不及物动 be willing 愿意 2v want 想(做、说) | nga wa madvgeung. I don't want to do it. 我不想做. 3v consent (to certain conditions) 答案(条件)
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dvgreung /də³¹grɯŋ⁵³/ v 1sway; rock 摇晃 | gyaq tvrung dvgreung ra. This pillar is swaying. 这柱子摇晃了. 2waver 动摇 3cause to waver 使动摇
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dvgu /də³¹gu⁵⁵/ n single-plank bridge (over river rapids or across a cliff) 独木桥(悬崖峭壁上、激流上) | (Fourth Township) mvgu /mə³¹gu⁵⁵/
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dvguan /də³¹gʷɑn⁵⁵/ conn and; with 和;跟 | nit dvguan neu wen vcvng beum. Cigarettes and alcohol are the most popular products. 烟和酒人买的比较多. | pvli dvguan two grandchildren 两个孙子 | Nvng dvguan Nang and her partner [Pung] 女的老大跟男的老大 | Joins two people or two items, only one of which has to be stated explicitly. Cannot include the speaker. 连接两个人或两个项目,其中只有一个要明确规定. 不能包括说话者.
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dvgul /də³¹gul⁵³/ v fidget (e.g. under a quilt) 微微移动(在被窝里) | mvndvgul neu ipgyeu ma'vgyong. Stop fidgeting, I'm exhausted but can't fall sleep. 别动,我睡不着. | vyaq svra mvndvgul. Don't move that thing around at all. 别动那个东西。
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dvgyu /də³¹ɟu⁵⁵/ n bullet 子弹 | (Fourth Township) di'u /di³¹u⁵⁵/
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