为 "eu" 的搜索结果

demsheu /dɛp⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 communicate; be in touch (with someone) 于(某人)联系 | (First Township) lvnsheu /lət⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ | (Fourth Township) tepsheu /tɛp⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/
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deu /dɯ⁵³/ vi 不及物动 1be dark; gloomy 2darken (of the sky) (天)黑 | nvm deu di. The sky is getting dark. 天黑了.

svdeu vt 及物动 dim 使阴暗
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deu mvda /dɯ⁵³ mə³¹dɑ⁵⁵/ 1be surprised (unexpectedly, suddenly) 惊讶 | deu mamvda? Are you surprised? 你惊讶吗? 2seem strange 奇怪 3be confused 不知道是怎么回事
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deum /dɯm⁵⁵/ 1vt 及物动 pool (water) 使水聚集 2n midstream where current is gentler because of a blockage 江河中水流因受阻,比较平缓处
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deumching /dəp⁵⁵tɕiŋ⁵³/ n lower back 后腰 | Fourth Township. 四乡话. | (First Township) deumcheung /dvp⁵⁵tɕɯŋ⁵³/
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deun /dɯn⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 1use to pen (animals) 以...围起来 2spring (a trap or tool for catching animals) 下(捕捉猎物的工具)
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deung /dɯŋ⁵³/ n thump; thud 咚咚 | Onomatapoetic. 象声词.
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-deung /dɯŋ⁵³/ n big; large 大的 | kyeumdeung big house 大房子 | (四乡)vsvng deung giant 巨人
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deup /dɯp⁵⁵/ v 1bang; hit 碰撞 | (一乡)vng te nya'vdeup rang. He banged into me. 他撞了我. 2dash; smash 摔;砸 | lung le pa'vdeupsheu. Smash it on the stone. (把它)摔到石头上.

vdeupsheu v bump into; collide 撞;碰撞
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deuqsheu /dɯʔ⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 reflect (mentally) 反思 | mit nvnggvm pvdeuqsheu. You think hard on it. 你好好想(反思)一下.
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deursheu /dɯr⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 shake (from loud noise) 震动 | pvshin le deursheu taq dvreung. The rumbling is shaking my heart. 响的震动心.
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deut /dɯt⁵⁵/ n mouse; rat 老鼠 | (Fourth Township) dit /dit⁵⁵/
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deutdeung /dɯt⁵⁵dɯŋ⁵³/ n large mouse or rat 大老鼠
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deutdung /dɯn³¹duŋ⁵³/ n mouse burrow 老鼠洞
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deutgrong /dɯt⁵⁵grɔŋ⁵³/ n rodent path 老鼠道(草丛里老鼠爬行留下的路)
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deutna /dɯt⁵⁵nɑ⁵⁵/ n bait (for rodents) (老鼠)诱饵
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deutplu /dɯt⁵⁵plu⁵⁵/ n wild rodent (medium-sized, with a white stomach) 野鼠(体型中大,肚子白色)
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deutsai /dɯt⁵⁵sɑi⁵⁵/ n type of rodent 一种啮齿目的动物 | A kind of deuttei. 一种 deuttei.
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deuttei /dɯt⁵⁵təi⁵⁵/ n large type of rodent 一种啮齿目的动物(大)
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di /di³¹/ prt 助词 1go (andative deictic marker from any point of reference, often the speaker) 去(动作向外,可能是说话人正处的位置,兼表亲见意义) | vng shing ri le dii di. (I saw that) he went to carry firewood. (我看见)他去背柴了. | nga sheng le ding di wa geuq kleup e. Someone said I went to the county capital, but he was lying. (某人说)我去县城了,是谎话. 2immediate past perfective (visual evidential) 完成体(刚刚完成,兼表亲见意义) | ngang vsu di. The water is boiled. 水(烧)开了. | In both senses, typically not used with a first-person agent, unless reporting someone else's statement about the speaker. Speaker is directly reporting a witnessed event. 一般不用于第一人称做施事,除非表示说话人转述他人的话. 动作的发生是说话人亲眼目睹的. | (First Township) gyi /ɟi³¹/
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di /di⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be able (to do) 有办法;能(做) | ewa wa lep mvdi. It can't be done this way. 这样没法做. | na mi peui nvso di e? Can you memorize it? 你会背诵吗?

mvdi vi 不及物动 be incapable (of doing) 无法做的
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Dinggeu /diŋ³¹gɯ⁵³/ top 地名 Dinggeu (Second Township village) 丁给(二乡村名) | (First Township) Deunggeu /Dɯŋ³¹gɯ⁵³/
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diq /diʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 cook until soft 饭煮软 | vngza diq di. The rice has been cooked until tender. 饭煮软了. | (First Township) deuq /dɯʔ⁵⁵/
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dol /dɔl⁵⁵/ 1v tie on; wrap (legging, puttee) 扎(绑腿) | hreidol pvdolsheu. You two tie on the puttees. 你俩把绑腿扎上. 2nclf 名量 roll (一)团 | gyoq ti dol a roll of cloth 一团布
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dong /dɔŋ⁵⁵/ n 1bamboo tube 竹筒 | dong do ngang kvp. Put water in the bamboo tube. 竹筒里打水. 2bottle 瓶子 | Cf. svkvm, heu, pangcheuq for other types of containers, based on the contents they hold. 根据他们持有的内容,也有其他的容器.
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