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düşelgen1camp, halt, stopping place, stopovermeýdan düşelgesifield campMeýdan düşelgämizde bar goşlarymyzy goýup töweregimiz bilen tanyşdyk.We set up our field camp, put down our equipment and reconnoitred our surroundings.Brigada düşelgede aşpez bilen kömekçisi nahar bişirmek üçin galdylar.The cook and his helper stayed in the camp to cook.2slope, descentdagyň düşelgesimountainsideDagyň düşelgesi kert eňňit bolup inýärdi.The descent of the mountain was a steep slope.3(bus) stopDüşelgede adam bolman awtobus durman geçip gitdi.There weren't any people at the bus stop, so the bus went past.Men indiki düşelgede düşüp galaryn.I will get off at the next stop.
düşelmekv1to be spread, be covered, be pavedgyzyl haly düşelen içerihome with a red carpet Remont edilen otaga entek düşek düşelmändir.The renovated room still has no carpet.Myhmanlara ýatmak üçin düşek düşeldi.The bedding was laid for the guests.Içeriň köne düşekleri aýrylyp täze düşek düşelipdir.Old rugs at home have been replaced with new ones.2to be laiddaş düşelen ýolgravelled roadObanyň ýollaryna asfalt düşelipdir.Village roads were laid with gravel.Ýollara asfalt düşelip, ýol abatlaýyş işleri geçirildi.Repairs were completed when the roads were surfaced with asphalt.Ýollara daş düşelmese ýüzi zaýalanypdyr.As the surface is damaged roads need to be laid with gravel.
düşemekv1to spread, lay out, pavedüşek düşemekto make the bedTäze jaýa täze düşek düşediler.The new house was spread with new rugs.Ýatmak üçin düşegimi düşedim.I prepared my mat for sleep.Jaýyň diwaryny gyrmak üçin ilki pola gazet düşedik.We covered the floor with newspapers before scraping the walls of the room.2to layparket düşemekto lay parquet flooringUssalar otaga parket düşediler.The craftsmen laid parquet flooring in the room.
düşewüntnincome, profit, gain, return, benefitdüşewünt düşürmekto profit (by, from)her aýdaky düşewüntthe monthly return Täze başlan işiň düşewünt bersin.May your new job be a success.
düşewüntliadjprofitable, paying, lucrative, remunerativedüşewüntli iş/kärprofitable affair/businessdüşewüntli orunprofitable place
düşgürcfdüşbi1adjquick-witted, bright, sharpAt örän düşgür jandar.The horse is very intelligent.dile düşgürbright, sharp2pliant, pliable
düşlemekvto stop, halt, campKerwen uzyn gün ýöräp, agşamara düşledi.The camel train travelled all day and stopped in the evening.
düşmek1vto have a bath, bathehammama düşmekto enter a bathhouseduşa düşmekto have a showerÇagalar howuzda suwa düşýärler.Children swim in the pool.
düşmek2cfdüşünmekv1to come down, to descend, alight, get off, get down fromOl dagdan aşak düşdi.She/he came down the mountain.Awusiýdik çagasy agaçdan aşak düşdi.The baby squirrel ran down the tree.maşyndan düşmekto get out of the caratdan düşmekto dismount, get down from a horseAtçapar atdan düşdi.The jockey dismounted.2to fall, drop, sink, fall downHemme jogapkärçilik biziň üstümize düşdi.All the responsibilities have fallen on us.Klasda hemmeler meniň üstümden düşdi.Everyone in the class has fallen on top of me.Derýanyň suwy düşdi.The river level fell.Duşman ýesir düşdi.The enemy were taken prisoner.3to fall outKäse çelegiň içine düşdi.The cup fell out of the bucket.Öz gazan çukuryňa özüň düşdüň.You fell into the pit which you dug for yourself.Syçan gurulgy duran gapana düşdi.The mouse fell out of the trap.Balyk tora düşdi.Fish fell out of the net.Çaganyň ilkinji dişi düşdi.Children's milk teeth fall out.Nerw keselinden soň saçym düşdi.I lost my hair because of a nervous disease.Garranyňdan soň dişiň düşýär.People's teeth fall out as they get older.4to fall, appearGaraňky düşdi.Darkness fell.Garaňky düşmäkä, öýümize aşaly.Let's get home before dark.Ýere gyraw düşüpdir.The ground was covered with hoarfrost.Täze ýyl baýramçylygyna dükanlara köp täze harytlar düşüpdir.The shop was filled with many new goods in the New Year holiday.5costBu saňa näçä düşdi?How much did you pay for it? Bu maşyn maňa gymmat düşmedi.As far as I'm concerned, this car was not expensive.Seniň okuwyň maňa gymmat düşdi.Your study was too expensive for me.6to give a discount7to understand, getSen meniň aýdýan zatlaryma düşýärmiň?Do you understand what I am saying?8to be of use, to suit, be becomingŞu köýnegiň reňki saňa düşdi.The colour of this dress suits you.9to wind up in, to be in, to turn outKeseki ýerlere düşseň, öz Watanyňy küýseýärsiň.If you wind up in foreign parts, you miss your own home country.10to arrive, comeGyş düşdi.Winter arrived.Tomus düşse çagalara mekdepden jogap berilýär.When summer comes, children are allowed to stay at home.Ýaz düşdi, tebigat oýanyp başlady.Spring came and nature began to wake up.11to fall (in love)12fall, descend, settle (e.g. a glance or a gaze)13fall, get, receiveabraýdan düşmekph. v.1to lose respectAýagyny gyşyk basyp, ters iş edip abraýdan düşdi.He lost respect by doing immoral and perverse things.2to fall from honourOl ýalan gepläp, abraýdan düşdi.He lied and has fallen from his honourable position [in society].aşa düşmekph. v.to over-eat, gorge oneself, eat so much of something that one gets indigestion Sygyrymyz köp iýim iýip aşa düşdi.Our cow got indigestion from eating too much fodder.aýagy düşmekph. v.to get goingTäze alan gelniňiziň aýagy düşsün, rysgal getirsin!Your recently bought bride should get going and find her destiny!The most recent wife/bride to join the family is given lots of advice.aýra düşmekph. v.to be separated, fall away fromMeňli öz ýaryndan aýra düşdi.Mengli was separated from her husband.başy düşmekph. v.to faceBaşyňa nähili kyn gün düşsede şol kynçylyklary ýeňip geçmeli.If you have to face difficult circumstances you have to have victory over them and move on.çöke düşmekph. v.to respectAýal ärine çöke düşmeli we adyna ysnat getirmeli däl.A wife should show respect for her husband and not bring him disgrace.Çöke düşüp bagjygyma daňdym.ele düşmekph. v.to fall into the hands ofKakamyň gazaba münen wagtynda eline düşdüm.I fell into the hands of my father just as he was getting angry.Urşuň birinji gijesinde Brest şäheri duşmanlaň eline düşdi.Brest city fell into enemy's hand on the first night of war.Ogry aňsatlyk bilen ele düşdi.The thief was captured easily.gorka düşmekph. v.to fear, be afraid (of)haldan düşmekph. v.vto become weak, weaken, to loose strengthHassa ýarawsyzlykdan ýaňa indi halys haldan düşdi.The sick person then became weak because of their illness.howsala düşmekph. v.to panic, fret, worry, be anxious/uneasy/worried (about)Öýüň açaryny tapman howsala düşdüm.I was panicking because I couldn't find the house keys.jaýyna düşmekph. v.vto be worth doingMen bu aýdymy jaýyna düşen aýdym hasaplaýaryn.I consider this to be a song worth doing.küýüne düşmekph. v.to think about something, be in thought about an ideaTäze jaý almaň küýüne düşdüm.I am thinking of buying a new flat.ökjesine düşmekph. v.to pursue, chase, go afterTilki towşanyň ökjesine düşüp kowalady.The hunting dog chased the rabbit and drove him away.ruhdan düşmekph. v.to lose heart, become despondentRuhdan düşmän elmydama ruhumyz belentde bolmaly.We should always keep our spirits up and not lose heart.salkyn düşmekph. v.to cool down, become cool/freshGüýzüň gelmegi bilen salkyn düşüp başlady.When autumn came it began to cool down.surata düşmekph. v.to have one's photo takenJoralarym bilen surata düşdük.I had may photo taken with my female friends.tapdan düşmekph. v.to faintüstünden düşmekph. v.1to attack somebodyTertibi ýaramaz bolanlygy sebäpli bar klasdaşlary Şöhradyň üstünden düşdüler.Because of his bad behaviour Shohrat's classmates attacked him.Gijä galyp gelenim üçin joralarym üstümden düşdüler.because I was late, my friends attacked me2to criticiseadamyň tankytlamak iň erbet häsiýetdirto criticise someone is the worst behaviour yşka düşmekph. v.to fall in love (with), to be fond (of)Rahat söýgi yşkyna düşdi.Rahat fell in love.ýada düşmekph. v.to remember, come to mindÝadyma düşdi.I remembered.Kiçijek wagtymdaky goşgy ýadyma düşdi.I brought to mind a poem from my childhood.ýola düşmekph. v.to set out, set offAtlylar ýola düşdi.to set off, set out on a journeyTäze başlan işimiz ýola düşdi.Our new task has begun.ýürege düşmekph. v.1to bore2to bother, pesterBir aýdan zadyny köp gaýtalap ýürege düşdi.He bothered me by repeating one word over and over again.
düşnükliadjobvious, clear, understandable, evident, intelligible, comprehensibledüşnükli zatnaturallydüşnükli geplemekto speak clearly Depderiňdäki hatyňy düşnükli hem arassa ýaz.Write your letter clearly and accurately in your notebook.Tema düşnükli bolar ýaly mugallym köp mysal getirdi.The teacher used many examples so that the topic would be clear.Terbiýäniň wajyplygy öz-özünden düşnükli.The importance of training is self evident.
düşnüksizadjobscure, unfathomable, not understandable, not understood, incomprehensibleDüşnüksiz haty okaňda, nirede haýsy harp durandygy belli däl.When you read an incomprehensible letter, you don't know where to start.Seniň edýän gürrüňleriň düşnüksiz, many ýok.You are talking gobbledygook.
düşüm1nsuit, suitability
düşüm2ncaseýeňiş düşümaccusative casegrammar
düşündiriş1nexplanation, accountdüşündiriş bermekto explainDüşündiriş hatymda işe näme sebäp bilen gijä galanlygymy ýazdym.I explained the reason for my tardiness in my explanatory note.Sözüň düşündirişi sözlükden tapyp bolýar.The meaning of the word can be found in dictionary.2adjexplanatorydüşündiriş hatyexplanatory note
düşündirmekv causto explain, illustrateokuwçylara sapagy düşündirmekto explain a lesson to the pupils Okuwçylar kada-kanuny bozmaz ýaly gowy düşündirmeli.It must be made clear to the pupils that they should not break the rules.Men öz ýagdaýymy size düşündiresim gelýär.I would like to explain my condition to you.Çagalara oýunyň manysyny düşündirip, oýun oýnamaga başladyk.Having explained how to play the game to the children, we started playing.
düşünjen1idea, notion, concept, opinion, thought (intellectual)tebigat bilimi barada düşünje almakTo gain understanding of nature. Edýän işiň hakda düşünjäň bolmasa işiň harap bolar.If you don't have a notion of what you are doing, all your efforts will be in vain.Çylşyrymly düşünjeden bir many alyp bolmaýar. It is difficult to make sense of a complex concept.Her çagaň öz düşünjesi bar.Each child has its own ideas.Ol uniwersitetde okanynda giň düşünje toplapdyr.He learnt a lot during his studies at university.Giň düşünjeli adamdan beren soragyňa jogap alyp bolýar.One can get an answer to any question from a person with a broad outlook.2outlook, idea, beliefbaşga düşünjedifferent outlookDurmuş düşünjäňi kesgitleýär.Life shapes your outlook.Durmuş düşünjäňi kesgitleýär.Life defines your way of thinking.3consciousnesssyýasy düşünjepolitical consciousnessbaşga düşünjedifferent understanding
düşünjeliadjexperienced, learnedgiň düşünjeli adambroad-minded persondar düşünjeli adamnarrow-minded person
düşünmekcfdüşmek2vto understand, comprehend, grasp, knowDaşary ýurtlarda ýaşap görmeseň däplerine düşünmek kyn.It is difficult to comprehend the traditions of foreign countries if you do not live there.Sen meniň sözlerime nädogry düşünme.Do not misunderstand what I am saying.
düşürmekv1dismount, descend, drop, put down, take down, drop offTaksi meni öýüň gabadynda düşürdi.The taxi dropped me off near my house.gabadyna düşürmekdrop off near/at/oppositeAgaja münen oglumy aşak düşürdim.I took down my son from the tree.Sürüji düşelgede soňky ýolagçyny düşürdi.The driver dropped off the last passenger at the camp.Gyzgynyňy düşürmek üçin parasetamol ýa-da asperin içmeli.To bring one's temperature down you need to take Paracetamol or Aspirin.2to unload, discharge, get offýük düşürmekto unloadTraktoryň teležkasyndan gawun-garpyz düşürdik.We unloaded melons and water-melons from the tractor's trailer.3go into, enter into, be part ofsurata düşürmekto be part of a photo shoot, have one's photo takenŞu günki söwdamyň düşewündi gowy bolup jaýyna düşürdim.Today’s sale was successful.ph. v.ele düşmekdüşmek2eleliňden düşürmekid.to lose sight ofçagany eliňden düşürmekto lose sight of a childto briefly stop caring for a childEnem agtyklaryna elinden düşürmän seredýär.My grandmother looks after the her grandchildren without losing sight of them.
düwmen1bell, cymbal, sleigh belldüwme dakynmakto wear bellsMen owlajygyma düwme dakdym.I hung a small bell on my kid [i.e. young goat].2button, beadKöýnegimiň bäş düwmesiniň birisi gopupdyr.One of the five buttons on my shirt has been torn off.3bubble, dropÝaz ýagyş düwmeleri ýüzüme damýardy.Drops of spring rain dripped onto my face.Maralyň gözünden düwme-düwme ýaş döküldi.Many tears have fallen from the eyes of Maral.4key, buttonŞu wagt ulanylýan klawiatura 1994-nji ýylda işlenip düzülip, ol 104-105 düwmeden ybaratdyr.Keyboards designed in 1994 consisting of 104-105 keys are still in use today.
düwmekv1to knot, tie up (the ends of), pack up, bind upýüpüň ujuny düwmekto knot the end of rope Monjuk düzmek üçin ilki ýüplügiň ujyny düwmeli.To sew on a button you must first make a knot in the end of the thread.Toý däbinde gelin oglanyň guşagynda düwülen düwünleri çöşlemeli.According to wedding tradition the bride must untie the knot of the groom's rope belt.2to squeeze, close3to produceGawun-garpyzlar düwüpdir.Melons and water-melons started forming.Miweli agaç gülläninden soň derrew düwüp başlaýar.Fruit trees begin to produce after blossoming.
düwnükncancer of the gulletmedical
düwülmekvbe knotted, be tied in a knotSapagyň ujy berk düwülenden soň monjuklar dökülmeýär.When knots are tied well beads do not fall off.Düwülen düwüni çözmek kyn.It is difficult to untie the knot.Gitjek myhmanlaryň dünçekleri düwüldi.The guests' things were knotted into material, so they could leave.Gezelenje gitmek üçin goşlar düwüldi.The things were knotted into material so as to go on a walk.
düwünn1knotdüwün düwmekto knotdüwni çözmekto undo a knotýüpdäki düwünknot in the ropeagajyň düwniknot of the tree Agajyň sütüninde düwün bar.There is knot on the trunk of tree.2wrinkle, line, knotOnuň maňlaýynda düwün bar.He has wrinkled brows.3boil, cyst; woundEndamyndaky düwüni operasiýa arkaly aýyrdylar.He had an operation to remove his boil.4offence, wound, hurtýüregiňde düwün galmakfor a hurt to remain in your heartAgyr söz bilen adamyň göwnüne degseň ýüreginde düwün galýar.If you say something painful to a person the hurt remains in their heart.

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