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düwünçekn1package, parcel, bundlebir düwünçek ýüňa bundle of woolTäze jaýa göçenimizde ejem goşlarymyzy düwünçek-düwünçek edip düwüpdir.When we moved to the new house my mother tied up our belongings in different bundles.Çaga düwünçegi kadaly ösýär.The foetus is developing normally.2budmekgejöwen düwünçegiear of corn 3knot
düýbündenadvabsolutely, totally, completely, fundamentally, essentially, quiteMen oňa düýbünden garşy.I am totally against him.Seniň aýdýanlaryň düýbünden ýalňyş.What you are saying is absolutely wrong.Seniň eden işiň düýbünden nädogry.What you have done is totally wrong.Bu bolýan zatlara men düýbünden düşünmeýärin.I can't quite comprehend what is happening.
düýendromedary, one-humped camelHaýwanat bagynda iki örküçli düýe gördük.We saw a Bactrian camel in the zoo.Düýe öz boýnunyň egrisini bilmän, ýylana egri diýermiş.You don't notice a log in your own eye, but you notice a speck in someone else's.Düýe köşegini gowy görse, hem deper, hem gapar.If a camel loves its calf, it hits and beats it.
düýnadvyesterdayOl düýn geldi.He came yesterday.düýn-öňňincomp.düýn-öňňi:nadvrecently, not long ago, a day or two ago, a couple of days ago
düýnkiadjyesterday's, former
düýpcfesasfundament1nbase, bottom, deepest partdeňziň düýbithe bottom of the sea Deňziň düýbi çuň hem ajaýyp.The bottom of the sea is a long way down and wonderful.Köne guýynyň düýbi gurapdyr.The bottom of the old well was dried out.çelegiň düýbithe bottom of the bucketgazanyň düýbithe bottom of the potSerhoş çüýşäň düýbüni görmän turmady.The drunk did not stop drinking until he finished the bottle.düýpde oturmakto sit on the bottommeseläniň düýbüne ýetmekget to the bottom of problem Gadyrly myhmanyň ýeri otagyň düýbünde.The place for a polite guest is at the back of the room.2nroot, base of plantdüýp tutmakto put down roots, get establishedÇynaryň düýbi gaty çuňa gidýär.Plane trees roots go deep.Guran agajy kesmän düýbi bilen gopardylar.They uprooted the dried tree instead of chopping it down.Täze eken güllerimiz düýp tutupdyr.Our newly planted flowers have taken root.Agyrly dişimiň düýbi berk bolanlygy sebäpli sogurman, bejerdiler.Because the root of my aching tooth was impossible to remove, the dentist treated it instead of pulling it out.3nbulb (of a plant), headbir düýp sarymsakone head of garlicBir düýp sarymsakda bäş-alty sany däne bolýar.There are five to six cloves in each bulb of garlic.4nfoundation, basementtamyň düýbihouse's foundationUssalar täze tamyň düýbüni tutdular.Builders put in the foundations of the new house.5adjmain, essential, fundamental, key, root, foundationdüýp işlikroot verbdüýp derejefoundation level [in your studies]Meseläň düýp sebäbini bilmek üçin hemme taraplaýyn derňemeli.To find the fundamental reason for the problem all aspects must be investigated.düýp mazmunthe key conceptdüýp agaçcomp.sapling treeon düýp agaçten sapling treesWelaýatlarda hem 1,5 million düýp agaç nahallary oturdylar.They planted 1.5 million sapling trees in the provinces.düýbüne ýetmekph. v.vto reach to the bottom
Ummanyň düýbüne ýetmek mümkin däl.It is impossible to reach the bottom of the ocean.
düýbüni tutmakph. v.vto base, found, establishUly işiň düýbüni tutmak üçin köp işler edilmeli.To set the foundations of a major work [of writing] many things must be done.düýp tutmakph. v.vto put down roots, get established, to take root, settleGeldi agalar köp ýyl mundan ozal göçüp gelip bu ýerde düýp tutdular.Geldi moved and settled here many years ago.
düýpgöteradvfundamentally, quite
düýpliadj1fundamental, profound, rootmeselä düýpli çemeleşmekto tackle the root of the problemDogry jogap almak üçin meseläni düýpli öwrenmeli.To get the correct answer requires an understanding of the fundamentals.
düýpli remont edilmeli traktorthe tractor needs basic repairsTürkmenistanda düýpli özgerişlikler geçirilýär.There are profound changes going on in Turkmenistan.Otagymyzda düýpli abatlaýyş işleri geçirildi.The main repair work was done in our room.Otagdaky öý goşlaryň ýeri düýpli üýtgedilipdir.All the furniture in the room has been replaced.
düýrlemekvto roll up, rollhalyny düýrlemekto roll up the carpetToýa sowgat berilen halylary düýrüläp burça söýäp goýupdyrlar.They rolled up the carpets and leaned them in the corner as a present for the wedding party.Ýazylgy duran keçeleri tomsyna düýrüläp goýýarlar.Rugs are rolled up in summer.
düýşndream, sleepOl muny düýşündede görenok.He had never even dreamt of it.düýş görmekto dream, have a dream (while sleeping)düýşe girmekto have a dreamdüýş ýalyin a dream, dreamlikeAç towuk düýşünde dary görer.A hungry hen will dream of millet.Toýum düýşde bolup geçen ýaly.My wedding passed as if I was in a dream.
düýtmekvto wear out, wear a long time
düz2adj1straight, directdüz ýola straight road2correct, true, accurate, real, reliable, correctlydüz sözlemekto speak correctlyOnuň özi düz gezsin.He should correct his own behaviour (first).Şu düz gidýän köçäň ugry bilen gidiberiň.Go straight along this street.Düz gitmän birinji çatrykdan çepe sowmaly.Do not go straight, but turn left at the first crossroads.Onuň özi düz gezsin. Let him be correct.Onuň gepi-sözi düzdür.His words are true.Ýalan sözleme-de düz geple.Do not lie, speak the truth.Bu örän düz maşyn.This is a very reliable car.Köýnegiňi çöwre geýipsiň, çöwürde düz geý.You put the shirt on untidily, change it and wear it correctly.Düşnüksiz ýazuwyňy düzet-de düz ýaz.Correct your illegible writing and write legibly.
düzedişncorrection, amendment, improvementOl gürleýäniň diline käbir düzediş berdi.He made some corrections for the speaker. ????tekste düzediş girizmekto amend the textKanuna birnäçe düzediş girizdiler.They made some amendments to the law.Golýazma düzediş girizip soňra çap edildi.Some corrections were made to the manuscript which was then published.
düzelmekv1to be worked out, sorted out, made rightTertipsiz okuwçy görülen çärelerden soň düzeldi.He used every means to sort out the indisciplined pupils and make them disciplined.Täze başlanan işler indi biraz düzeldi.The newly started work has now been sorted out a bit.2to be rebuilt, re-establishedÝer titiremeden soň bibat bolan şäherler kem-kem düzeldi.The towns were rebuilt after being destroyed by an earthquake.
düzetmekv1to improve, ameliorateÝaramaz ýagdaýda duran zaly düzedip, ulanmaga berildi.The hall was opened for use after improvements were made to its dilapidated state.Ýetişigi pes okuwçylar bilen goşmaça taýýarlanyp ýetişigi düzetdiler.They significantly improved the performance of low achieving pupils.2to fix, repairBozuk duran radiony düzetdim.I fixed the broken radio.Elektro gurallary düzetmek üçin ussa berdim.I gave the electronic instruments to the technician to repair.Olar suw üpjünçiligini düzetdiler.They repaired the water supply.3to correct, editöz ýalňyşyňy düzetmekto correct your mistake Işde göýberlen ýalňyşlarymyzy düzetdik.We corrected the errors of omission in our work.4to straighten, set rightGyýşaran çüýi çekiçläp düzetdim.I straightened the bent nail with a hammer.Gyýşyk ýazylan halyny düzetdim.I straightened the crooked carpet.
düzgüncfdüzgün-nyzamn1order, sequenceişleri düzgüne getirmekto bring order to the workIş tertibimizi düzgüne saldyk.We order our work schedule.Öňküden şu günki düzgünimiz has gowulandy.Today's rule is better than before.2conduct, order, controlözüňe düzgün etmekto control oneselfÖzüňe düzgün edinen zatlaryň soňra endik bolýar.If you bring order to things in your life they will become a habit.3rule, procedure, tenet, regulationdüzgün boýunçaaccording to the regulation(s)Düzgüni saklasaň tertipli bolýaň.If you stick to the rules, you are disciplined.Çagalara düzgüni saklamany kiçiliginden öwretmeli.We should teach children to keep to the rules from an early age.düzgün boýunçaaccording to the rules Düzgün boýunça telewizory punktdan söndüreniňden soňra tokdan öçürmeli.According to the instructions, after you have switched off the TV using the remote control you must switch it off at the mains.Elektro gurallary düzgün boýunça ulansaň berk hem uzak ulanarsyň.If you use electrical instruments as instructed they will last a long time.4system, regimekommunistik düzgünCommunist regimegulçulyk düzgünislaveryharby düzgünmilitary regimeGünde irden bedenterbiýe maşklaryny etmek özüme düzgün edindim.I have a regime of doing exercises early every morning.düzgün-tertipcomp.nregulations, system, body of rulesHer ýerde, her kim bolsaňam düzgün-tertibi saklamaly.Everyone whoever they are, wherever they are, should keep the rules.Düzgün-tertibi bozsaň käýenç eşidersiň.If you break the rules you will be admonished.
düzgünleşdirmekv causto regulate, standardise, normalise, put in (good) orderýol hereketini düzgünleşdirmekto control trafficUçarlaryň uçuş tertibini düzgünleşdirdiler.They regulated the arrival order of the planes.Pul çalşygyndan soň pensiýa üpjünçiligi düzgünleşdi.After the currency changed pensions were regulated.
düzgünliadj1disciplineddüzgünli gullukçydisciplined worker Düzgünli okuwçylaryň ýetişigi hem gowy bolýar.The disciplined pupils’ progress is good.Ýyl kesilen adam düzgünli bolsa wagtyndan öň boşadýarlar.Those in prison are released early if they are self disciplined.Berdiýew öz düzgünligi bilen öz işdeşleriniň arasynda tapawutlanýar.Berdiyev is different from his colleagues because he is disciplined.2regular, systematicdüzgünli okadylyş usulythe method of systematic teaching Aragatnaşyk bölümiň işgäri gazet-žurnalary düzgünli gowşurýar.The colleague from the communications department brings newspapers and magazines regularly.
düzgünlilikn1disciplineDüzgünlilik işiň hilini hem ýetişigini ýokarlandyrýar.Discipline enhances quality and progress.
Düzgünlilik gullukçyny bezeýär.Discipline makes a good worker.Jogapkärçilik adamy düzgünlilige salýar.Responsibility makes a person disciplined.

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