dowzahnhellO dünýäde günäsizler jennete, günä edenler dowzaha bararmyş.Righteous people go to paradise, those who sin go to hell in the next world.dowzah odyfires of hell Dowzah odunda ýanmajak bolsaň şeýtanyň ýoly bilen ýöreme. If you do not want to burn in the fires of hell, do not walk in the ways of Satan.dowzah azabysuffering in hell Ýaman adam dowzah odunda ýanarmyş.It is said that a bad person burns in the fires of hell.Meni bu dowzahdan gutar!Please God, save me from hell!Meniň çekip ýören jebirlerim duran bir dowzahdyr.The sufferings I go through are hell.Ýerdäki dowzah-türmedir.Prison is a hell on earth.

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