durmakcfturmakv1to stopDur!Stop!2to be (located), to standTereziniň bir taýynda metjit, bir taýynda bolsa aýranly okara duranmyş.A mosque was on one side of the scales, and on the other side a bowl of soured milk.3to cost4to be, existÖňde duran wezipeler, edilmeli işler ýeňil--ýelpaý däl.The duties that are before [us] and the jobs that [we] must do are not easy.5to be in the position of, standOl barýan birden durdy.He stopped suddenly while moving.Stoluň üstünde kitap durdy.There was a book sitting on the tablehäkimiýet başynda durmakto be at the head of the governmentbir partiýada durmakTo be in one partyBatly barýan maşyn sakga durdy.The speeding car suddenly stopped.Penjiräň öňünde otag gülleri durdy.There was a vase of flowers in front of the window.Uly maşgalaň başynda durmak üçin akylly hem paýhasly bolmaly.To be the head of a large family one should be wise and clever.Mekdep direktory kiçi döwletiň başynda jogapkär bolup durýar.The director of the school is responsible for a small state.Duralgadaky oglan maňa seredip dur.The boy at the bus-stop is looking at me.Ot henizem ýanyp dur.The fire is still burning.Kakam maşyny otlap dur.My father is starting his car.Aýşat gapyň aňyrsynda gizlenip durýar.Ayshat is hiding behind the door.Häkimiýet başynda durmak işleýänler köp, ýöne başarýanlar az.There are many people who want to be head of government, but not many people are up to it.durcomp.du:rdu:rAux. vrb1standOl garaşyp dur.He's waiting.Gelip dur!Come again!Bir garyp aglap duranda, Ýanynda gülüji bolma.When a poor person is crying, don't stand next to them laughing.(following gerund) marks the continuous mood2standingOl aýak üstünde dur.He is on his feet.Men dura dura ýadadym!I'm tired of standing!as predicate3keep doingOl garaşyp dur.He is waiting.Gelip dur!Come again!Suw akyp dur.The water keeps flowing/running.Öňde möhüm wezipeler dur.There are important jobs ahead of us.Daşarda ýagyş ýagyp dur.It is raining outside.Kir ýuwyjy maşyn işläp dur.The washing machine is on.Maşyn swetoforyň ýaşyl çyrasyna garaşyp dur.The car is waiting for a green light at the traffic lights.Yşygyň öňünde dur.He is standing under a light.Ol aýak üstünde dur.He is standing up.Men dura-dura ýadadym!I am tired of standing up for so long!arka durmakto be on somebody's side or to protect somebody

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