Search results for "iskul"

pakyaw 1comm. contract system for labor. Pakyaw di ngunun di gabut nan payo. They cut the grass of the field by contract. (sem. domains: 6.1 - Work.) 2v. to work on a contract basis. Pakyawon da di gayon nan garden. They will contract to hoe the field. Dahdiy numpakyaw nah iskul? Who did the labor contract for the school? ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑. 4C Convey/bring objects toward agent. (sem. domains: - Hire, rent.) 3trans. to buy large amount of something by contract, i.e. wholesale. Pakyawom nan igattang nan amput. Contract to buy all of the garlic she is selling. ‑on/‑in‑. Language Of Borrowing: Tagalog.

padlak 1comm. a padlock. Gimmattang hi padlak nan kabana. He bought a padlock for his wooden trunk. (sem. domains: 6.7.5 - Fastening tool.) 2trans. to lock with a padlock. Ipadlak mu hin bumuddal ka. Padlock it when you go out. Padlakan yu nan hoob hin ume kayuh iskul. Lock the gate with a padlock if you go to school. i‑/iN‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. Language Of Borrowing: English: padlock.

nuN- TACR. 1this prefix encodes past tense and durative time aspect; it cross references the subject and is the default affix for Class 1 verbal roots. <Morphophonology: The velar consonant in coda position assimilates to the point of articulation of the first consonant in the root.> Nip-ot bo te nundogo ot mate. To top it all off, he fell sick and died. Om, te maid di hilhilbi hin ugge ta nun-adal ya maid di ngunu. Yes, because one is as good for nothing without education (lit. have not learned) and without a job. 2past tense, signals a durative aspect activity rather than a punctiliar action when co-occurring with a transitive verbal root, cross references subject. Nuntudokak ke hiya nimpe. 3when the prefix co-occurs with the reduplicant CV(C)-, it encodes past tense, durative-continuative aspect and cross references the subject. 4when this affix co-occurs with Class 6 verb roots, it changes statives to durative processes; it encodes past tense and cross references the subject. 5the prefix derives verbs from nouns; it encodes past tense and cross- references the subject. Man-ut nun-iskul mu ingganah grade four ya abu. He took formal education to grade four only Nun-ampuyo kamin am-in an binabai. All of us women wore the Ifugao skirt. 6the prefix encodes past tense, reflexive and cross references both the subject and object expressed in a single noun phrase. Indani ya naatu da nin nundopap. After a while maybe they were tired of grappling with each other.

nangipa- top. this prefix encodes a topicalized causative agent; the causative agent is cross-referenced; past tense. Hanan taguy nangipadikhal. That man is the one who had the wood split. Hi Mariay nangipaen hiyah iskul. It is Maria who sent him to school. Sim: mangipa-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

nanong₁ 1intrans. to continue unchanged over a period of time; to remain the same. Adika munnanong an muttatyu na. You will not continue to be his servant. Mahapul an munnanong kayun mumbobleh di. It is necessary that you remain living there. Munnanong ka ni-an hitu. Remain here for a while. muN‑/nuN‑. 1C General class. Sim: ta nangamung, ta inggana, kanayun, latta. (sem. domains: - Stay, remain.) 2advpred. modifies an event, expressing that it is unchanging over a period of time. Ingganad uwani ya nanongnan mumbaki ama takon di nun-iskul handi. Until now, my father continues to be (is still) a pagan priest even though he has gone to school. Ya nanongnan dehdin ang-ang-angok nan bibiyon deh hinangngab ku. And I could still see the fairy standing in front of me. ‑nan. Time. (sem. domains: 8.4.6 - Aspectual time.) 3advpred. to continue forever unchanged; always. Munnananong hi Apu Dios an wada. God will exist forever and ever. Adi munnananong an waday tiempok. I will not always have time. muN‑ CV‑. infl. nunnanong

mayad 1comm. a woman’s belt, hand-woven with decorative pompoms; worn with a woven skirt. [This belt is sometimes used as a loin cloth for young boys.] In-wanon nan unga nan mayad inana. The boy used the woven belt of his mother for his loin cloth. Gen: balko. (sem. domains: 5.3 - Clothing.) 2trans. to wear a woven belt. Mummayad ka hin manayo kayuh iskul. Wear a woven belt if you dance in school. muN‑/nuN‑.

maki-₁ mod. this prefix encodes a participatory concept; it indicates that the agent subject is participating with others in an action or activity; non-past tense. Tibom bot adika makidkid-um hi fraternities te maid di hilbin dadiye. See to it also that you don’t join any fraternity groups because they are useless. Hinumang inada, “Te ume kayu moh iskul. Maki-e kan manong mu. Their mother answered, “Because you are going to school. You will go with your brother.” Matukatukal ka an e makitugatugal te mapat-al ya hilong di puntutugalan yu. You stay awake to join in gambling because your gambling goes on night and day. Sim: naki-; Sim: maki- -an, naki- -an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

luku (sp. var. luko) 1comm. fool. Luku hi amam te duway inayana. Your father is a fool because he has two wives. (sem. domains: - Stupid.) 2sta. to be foolish or naughty; describes one whose behavior is senseless or irrational. Naluku hi tulang mu hi iskul. Your brother is naughty in school. Nakallukuh naen unga muden nalaing. That child is very naughty but he is intelligent. na‑, nakaC1‑. (sem. domains: - Immature in behavior.) 3trans. to deceive; to fool or mislead so that behavior is unreasonable or foolish. Adim kulugon hinaen tagun te lukuwon daka ya abu. Do not believe that person because he will just deceive you. ‑on/‑in‑. (sem. domains: - Deceive.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish.

liyak trans. to work the ricefields, digging, clearing, planting etc. Hiyay nunliyak nah payo. He was the one who worked the ricefield. Dakol di inliyak na. He has planted many ricefields. Iliyakana nadan iibanan mun-iskul. He is working in the ricefields for his realtives who are in school. muN‑/nuN‑, i‑/iN‑, i‑ ‑an/iN‑ ‑an. 3I Direct an action toward an object. (sem. domains: 6.2 - Agriculture.)

langkuyya trans. to regard something lightly; to refuse to take seriously; to take lightly or easily. Langlangkuyyaona nan impingunum. He is taking lightly the task you gave him. Inilam an bokon langkuyyay mun-iskul hi college. You know that you must not take college education lightly. (meaning you have to study hard) ‑on/‑in‑. 4E Perception and Cognition. Sim: lapuy. (sem. domains: 3.2.5 - Opinion.)

laing sta. to be intelligent; to be skilled or wise. Nalaing hi iskul hituwen golang. This child is intelligent in school. Lumaing ka hin bumanidbid ka. You will become intelligent if you keep on reading. na‑, ‑um‑. Sim: nomnom. (sem. domains: - Intelligent.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

kulihiw comm. a tertiary educational institution; college; university. Joan, deyan ume ka mo ahan tut-uwah college. Joan, you are now finally going to college. Inilam an bokon langkuyyay mun-iskul hi college. You know that you must not take lightly your studying in college. (sem. domains: 3.6.2 - School.)

kolehiyo 1comm. college. Liman toonan nun-iskul hi kolehiyo. He studied in college for five years. (sem. domains: 3.6.2 - School.) 2intrans. to attend college. Mungkolehiyo hi toon. He is going to college next year. muN‑/nuN‑. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: colegio.

kiphodan (der. of pohod) nom. refers to the good or welfare of someone Man-uket munggastu takuh pun-iskul yu ya kiphodan yuh udum hi algo. The reason that we spend money for your studies is for your benefit in the future. ki‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: 8.3.7 - Good.)

kingking (sp. var. kengkeng) 1comm. a bell. (sem. domains: 6.7 - Tool.) 2trans. to ring a bell. Kingkingom ta umali da nadan mun-iskul. Ring the bell so that the pupils will come. Nakingking mo. The bell has already rung.(meaning we are late) ‑on/‑in‑, ma‑/na‑.

ki- -an 1dervN. this circumfix functions to derive a lexical nominalization. Man-uket mungastu takuh pun-iskul yu ya kiphodan yuh udum hi algo. The reason we spend money for your studies is it is for your own good in the future. Kibalinana ya kaddakaddangyana te dakol di longona. Its very performance shows that he is very rich indeed since he can afford to butcher many. (sem. domains: - Derivational affixes.) 2top. PASS.T-P Daanay kitanoman di bulhe? Where will beans be planted?

kay-ahan (comp. of anhan) advpred. an expression indicating that someone feels relief about the end of something that has taken a long time. Kay-ahan ya magibbu dan iskul. Finally, they will finish their studies. Nabayagak an nunho-ho-od ot innang an eyak ume, mu kay-ahan ya immali. I waited a long time and almost left but he finally came. Anusam, kay-ahan ya pumhod ka kaya. You must endure, finally (soon) you will surely get well. Modality. (sem. domains: 3.4.1 - Feel good.)

iskul (sp. var. itkul) 1comm. school. Umeyak moh iskul te nakengkeng. I am going now to school because the bell has been rung. Imme nadan u-ungah iskul. The children went to school. (sem. domains: 6.5.1 - Building.) 2intrans. to attend school; to study in school. Mun-iskul taku hi bigat. We will attend school tomorrow. muN‑/nuN‑. 1C General class. (sem. domains: 3.2.2 - Learn.) Language Of Borrowing: English: school.

inggana conj. 1until, continuance of an action or activity ending with a specified time event or action. Mahuyop ka inggana umaliyak. You sleep until I come. (sem. domains: 8.4.7 - Continue, persevere.) 2until; marks an adverbial time phrase. Ingganad uwani ya nanongnan mumbaki ama takon di nun-iskul handi. Until now, my father continues to be a pagan-priest even though he has gone to school. Man-ut nun-iskul mu ingganah grade four ya abu. He took formal education to grade four only. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano. comp. ta inggana infl. ingga-inggana

innang advpred. a limiting concept; almost; nearly. Maphod ta immali ka te innang an umeyak. It’s good that you came because I almost left. Innang ta mungkaanak hi iskul. I almost dropped out of school. Limiting and maximizing. Sim: dandani. (sem. domains: - Approximate.)

hikatu trans. to concentrate or focus on a task; to take very good care of something that is important. Nganne ahan di hikatuwam? What is it that you care for so much? Hay payo di ihikatuwak ta waday kanon taku. It’s the fields that I concentrate on so that we will have food. Apu Dios, bendisyonam di ihikatuwan mi. Lord God, bless the things we care about. Munhikatu kan mun-iskul. Concentrate on your studies. ‑an, i‑ ‑an, muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: 3.2 - Think.)

hapul 1need. 1.1sta. to be needed; refers to the need for something useful, required, or desired. Mahapul di pihu te mun-iskulak. Money is needed because I am going to school. Deket kaspangarigan ta waday makahhapul mu ya ma-ma-idan di pihhum... Now, just in case you have an urgent need and you don’t have any money... ma‑, makaC‑. (sem. domains: - Need.) 2look for. 2.1trans. to look for something that is needed, with the focus on the activity of looking. Eyak munhapul hi ngunu. I am going to look for a job. muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: 7.6.2 - Find.) 2.2trans. to look for something that is needed with the focus on the object being looked for. Em hapulon hi inam. Go look for your mother. Nganney hapulom? What are you looking for? (What is it that you need?) Andaan mo ta deket waday takon di ittay an hinapulan an pihu ya intalu ta nangamung hi udum an algo an ahi nin makahhapul. When you have just a little money, why not keep it for a rainy day when you might need it badly. ‑on/‑in‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano: masapul.

gladu (sp. var. gradu) comm. 1a grade of school. Tuluy gladu nah iskul. He is in grade three. (sem. domains: 3.6.2 - School.) 2a story of a building; floors of a building, refers to the levels of a building. Duwan gladu nan kinapya dan bale. The house they built is two stories. (sem. domains: 6.5.1 - Building.) Lnguage Of Borrowing: Spanish: grado.

dongol (sp. var. dongngol) 1to listen. 1.1trans. to listen, giving concentrated attention to specific things being heard; to allow oneself to be persuaded to give heed to and follow a suggestion or advice. <morphophonemics: When infixed, the vowel ‘o’ in the first syllable of the root is deleted.> Donglon yuy kalyon apuyu. Listen to what your grandfather will say. Dingngol mu? Did you hear it? He-a ken ohan ap-apuk ya donglom tun kalik. My grandson, listen to me. Dingngol ku an makattugal ka. I heard that you are an habitual gambler. ‑on/‑in‑. 4E Perception and Cognition. (sem. domains: 2.3.2 - Hear.) 1.2trans. the affix focuses on the manner of listening. Tipet idngol muh kalin di tatagu? Why do you listen (pay attention) to what people say? i‑/iN‑. 2to hear. 2.1trans. to perceive sound with the ear; to make an effort to hear something with durative aspect. Mundongol kah kanta nah ladyu. You hear music from the radio. Mundongol kayu ke tuwalit maawatan yuy kalkalyona? Why don’t you listen so that you’ll understand what he is saying? Intugun inada an mun-ule dah dalan ya mundongol dah iskul ta waday inilaon da. Their mother instructed them to be careful on the way and to listen in class so they would learn something. muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: 2.3.2 - Hear.) 2.2pass. refers to what can or cannot be heard. Deya ot an madngol di tatawa da. There, their laughter can be heard. Adi pakadngol di ingak te nahulatan. My ear cannot hear because it’s obstructed. ma‑, paka‑. 3cause to be heard. 3.1caus. to cause something to be heard. Impadngol nay kantana. He caused his song to be heard. Dahdiy nangipadngol? Who let it be heard? ipa/impa‑, mangipa‑/nangipa‑.. (sem. domains: 9.5 - Case.) id. Donglom tun pangiha-adak id. Madngol di bangluna infl. midngolan infl. mundingngol infl. padngol

dakami pers. 1us, exclusive; first person, plural exclusive pronoun; member of Set 3 object pronouns; cross-referenced by verbal affixes. Ialiyan dakami ya- hi ubunan mi. Please bring us chairs and we will sit down.. Indattan dakamih kendi. Teya ay, kanak an pun-ukat ku nan kendin imbolsak. “She gave us candy. Here it is,” I said as I took the candy from my pocket. (sem. domains: 9.2.3 - Pronouns.) 2we, exclusive; first person, plural exclusive; member of Class 4 subject pronouns; the subject is preposed before the verb and is cross-referenced by verbal affixes. Dakami nan kimmanantan dih hilong. We were the ones who kept on singing last night. Dakami ke ya intuddu day iskul hi sentral ot ume kamih di. We were told to go to the Central School, so we went there. n. ph. ke dakami
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