Search results for "lipa"

palipal comm. a node of bamboo used for rhythmic cadence during ritual. {ritual} Frans Hubert Lambrecht: Ifugaw-English Dictionary

mangako (infl. of ako) trans. refers to one who steals; thief. Nah kadakol di tatagu ya mahapul an halipat-an di pihhu te wadaday mangako. With the number of people, you have to be careful with your money because there are those who steal. maN‑/naN‑.

maabak (infl. of abak) sta. to be a loser; to lose in cards or other game. Maabak ka hin adim halipat-an. You will lose if you are not careful. ma‑.

lipa comm. the eggs of a hen that has laid eggs for the first time. [These eggs cannot be used in the agba-ritual.] Waday himpulun lipa nan ina. The hen has ten eggs. (sem. domains: 5.2 - Food.)

kullipaw (sp. var. kulippo) 1comm. shellfish species, edible; found in creeks and ricefields. Mumpa-pait di kullipaw. The kullipaw-shellfish is a bit bitter. Sim: hiyok, aggudung. (sem. domains: - Fish.) 2trans. to gather kullipaw-shellfish. Mangullipaw ka ta mangan ikamo taku nah tanghoy. Gather the kullipaw-shellfish so that we will add it to the water cress. maN‑/naN‑.

kipuunan nom. refers to the foundation or the logical basis for something described or explained. Kinali halipat-an takut maphod am-in di aton taku ya kalyon taku te ketuwen tugun di kipuunan di ahina punhumalyaan ke ditaku. (James 2:12b) That’s why we should be careful about everything that we do and say because this advice is based on the fact that he (God) will judge us. Sim: nipuunan. (sem. domains: - Logical.)

kadakol (der. of dakol) nom. refers to the amount or number of an entity. Nah kadakol di tatagu ya mahapul an halipat-an di pihhu. With the number of people, you have to be careful with your money. Hay kadakol di danum weno gatan di niyug ya nangamung di pinhod. The amount of water or coconut milk depends on what one prefers. Bukalom nan binokbok ya konoknongom di kadakol di punhagmuk mu. Now, crush the binokbok-leaves into powder and estimate how much you need. ka‑. (sem. domains: 8.1 - Quantity.)

ka-₁ 1nominalizer. this prefix nominalizes an adjective or verb. Handih kaittay na ya ammunay Clinic an wadad Kiangan. When he was young/little, there was only a clinic in Kiangan. Nah kadakol di tatagu ya mahapul an halipat-an di pihhu With the large number of people, you have to be careful with your money. Katatakut pay an e bumah-el te dakol di talak an muntutun-ud. It is even very dangerous/frightening to cross the street since there are many buses lined up one after the other. (sem. domains: - Derivational affixes.) 2dervN. the affix renominalizes a noun, changing the meaning. Manomnom kun handi keh kau-unga mi ya wadaday nihag-on kediyen ob-ob hi o-ongal an batu I remember that when we were children (lit. childhood), there were big rocks beside the same spring Nipalpun dih kagolang na inggana kediyen kimmat-agu ya maphod di pangi-ena. From the time of his childhood until he was a young man, his nature was good.

hiyok comm. snail, a large, edible cone species. Dakol di hiyok nah payo da . They have many large snails in their ricefield. Sim: aggudung, kullipaw. (sem. domains: 5.2 - Food.)

halipat-an trans. to watch for something; to be careful of something. [There is often the implication that one has to be watchful about possible harm that might come to oneself or others.] Halipat-am di lauhana. Watch for when she passes by. Halipat-am ta adi ka mag-a. Be careful so that you’ll not fall down. Nah kadakol di tatagu ya mahapul an halipat-an di pihhu. With the number of people, you have to be careful with your money. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5C Goal oriented sites. (sem. domains: - Think about.)

gul-unnan (der. of gul-un) comm. heddle bar, a weaving instrument used to guide threads on a loom. [The thread is wound on the rod lengthwise.] Halipat-am ta adi maguyud nan gul-unan. Be careful so the heddle bar will not be pulled off. Whole: ablan. (sem. domains: 6.7.8 - Parts of tools.)

gapu te conj. combines the concepts of the reason for doing something and the cause of something. Gapu te inila yu mo datuwe ya halipat-an yu ta adi kayu mahaul nah ituttudun datuwen makallangkak. The reason why you should be careful not to be deceived by those lies they are teaching is because you now know about them. Compounding conjunctions. Sim: humlun. (sem. domains: - Cause, - Reason.)

danug 1comm. a forceful punch. Nal-ot di danug Juan. Juan’s punch is strong. Gen: duntuk. (sem. domains: - Power, force.) 2trans. to sock someone; to punch someone. Danugon daka hin mungngohe ka. I will sock you if you are being obstinate. Adim danugon nan ibam. Do not punch your brother. Halipat-an yu te dumanug nan nabutong. Be careful because the drunk punches. Uggek pinatnaan an nadanug. I have never experienced being socked. Linumbag nan nadanug. Th spot which was punched is swollen. ‑on/‑in‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑, ma‑/na‑. (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

buna trans. to get lost; to lose one’s way. Gaput uggek ininghaan ad Manila ya eyak bunbunnaon hanadah iibbak. Because I am not familiar with Manila, my companions tried to make me lose my way. Adina tuwali halipat-an nadan iibba na kinali nabuna. He did not watch his companions that’s why he lost his way. Tibom ta adi ka mabuna. See to it that you won’t get lost. ‑on/‑in‑, ma‑/na‑. 4E Perception and Cognition. Sim: talak. (sem. domains: - Known, unknown.)

aggudung 1comm. snail, long, edible, conical-shape; lives in rice fields and rivers. [The shells of the snails are burnt and pounded as lime for betelnut chewing.] Eyak umalah aggudung nah payo. I will go to get some snails in the rice field. Sim: hiyok, kullipaw. (sem. domains: - Fish.) 2trans. to gather snails. Eyak mangaggudung. I am going to gather snails. maN‑/naN‑.

tok’o comm. 1the mouth. Halipat-am di tokom ta hay maphod ya abuy bumudal hina. Guard your mouth so that only good things will come out of it. Sim: hungahung. (sem. domains: - Mouth.) 2a riddle Waday ohan uwang an napnu gunit. (toko) It is a hole full of bones. (mouth)(riddle) id. ambilog di toko id. kay aluwog di toko id. mabuluk nan toko id. madang-o man di toko id. nahalman di toko id. nahulitan di tokona id. ongal di tokom

tupig trans. to stab something or someone with a knife. Tupigon da kanu hin tibon dah di. According to them they will stab him if they see him there. Itpig nan hinalong kinali halipat-am. He will use the double-bladed-knife to stab, that is why be careful. Waday nanpig nah ahu mi. Somebody stabbed our dog. ‑on/‑in‑, i‑/iN‑, maN‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. Sim: tuwik, ubut. (sem. domains: 7.8.3 - Cut.)