Search results for "tibom ot"

nahgatan (id. of hogat) idiom. to be hardened like the heartwood of a tree. Tibom ot ta adi madikhal nan hukim te nahgatan ka? Be careful so that you don’t split your leg because are you heartwood?

hunul trans. to burn something, using kindling outside of the fireplace. Hunulam nan basura. Burn the trash. Tibom ot ta adim hunulan di atop. Take care not to burn the roof. ‑an, ‑in‑ ‑an. 5C Goal oriented sites. (sem. domains: 5.5.4 - Burn.)

hil-am trans. to burn the surface of something; to sear lightly; to singe. [One method of cooking young rice.] Tibom ot ta adim hil-aman di atop. Be careful that you don’t burn the roof. Nahil-aman nan kide na handi hinap-udana nan apuy. His eyebrows were singed when he blew on the fire. Ihil-am mu nan daun ta yumam-o. You sear banana leaves so that they will be soft. Ihil-am taku tun ballu. We will sear the young rice. i‑/iN‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an. 3I Direct an action toward an object. (sem. domains: 5.5.4 - Burn.)

tibom ot advpred. to advise someone to be careful to avoid problems or trouble; to look out. Tibom ot boy pihhum te matalak man. Be careful with your money because it might get lost again. Manner. (sem. domains: 4.4.2 - Trouble.)