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dit1形容adj拥挤crowded because there are many people, for example, on a bus.tit⁵⁵广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
dit21adveven2mswdmswda bitditrawztit⁵⁵广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
dit3v挑起来To carefully lift up with a tool or a foot, but not the hand, usually because the thing is dirty or dangerous.侬话中北次土语(广南县旧莫乡)Northcentral Nongz (Jiumo District, Guangnan County) Dialectdiattit⁵⁵广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
ditrawzadv连一点even a little复合由Compound ofrawzdit2tit⁵⁵ðaɯ³³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
diuxhiangn声调tone复合由Compound ofhiangtʲu⁵⁵hʲaːŋ²⁴广南县莲城镇Liancheng Township, Guangnan County
dix1v抵押;代替To use something in place of something else; to substitute something for something else.ti⁵³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
dix2v1反对oppose2住址block, obstruct, for example a blow复合Compounddungzdixti⁵³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
dix31pers propers pro他;她;它Third person singular personal pronoun, unspecified for gender or animacy.复合Compoundboangxdixchangzdix物主代poss pn他的;她的;它的Third person singular possessive personal pronoun. (Not marked for gender or animacy.)Mwz haemh nduq dix lej, mwz lixcowq ndowj, haemh daih ngih dix, paenqdix naengz cha mboq ndaej najgaengx, paenqdix zoq bae swx saejfaz, swx nowfaz, maz yaq bae sowh haenz gunghdih naeh noanz. 虽然他们第一个晚上住在一家旅馆,但是在他们的第二个晚上,他们仍然没有找到工作,然后他们去买了被子和被套,并且做了这个,去了一个公共场所睡觉。Although on their first night they stayed in an inn, on their second night, they still had not found work, they then went to buy quilt-stuffing and quilt covers, and having done this, went to a public place to sleep.2pers propers pro他们Third person plural personal pronoun. This form is primarily used when the plurality is not in focus. When emphasizing the plural number, plural words are prefixed, for example "paenq" and "le" in Guangnan County and "boangx" in Maguan and some other areas.Rownz goanzzaiz naeh hoakqiag: Jin sam vaenz, vaenznduq dix jin mwngx byaeuz ux, vaenzlaeng jin daengz vaenz, vaenz daih sam jin ngaiz yaq zoq qiag byaeg. 男人的家里有客人:他们吃了三天,第一天吃了晚饭,第二天吃了一整天,第三天吃了早餐,然后 分散到他们的家中。The household of the man hosts guests: They eat for three days, on the first day they eat a supper, on the next day they eat all day long, and on the third day they eat the morning meal and then disperse to their homes.物主代poss pn他们的;她们的;它们的Third person plural possessive personal pronoun.Dezmeh dix goj mboq miz zaw zau. 父亲和母亲没有兴趣训练他们。The father and mother had no interest in disciplining them.3指示代dem那个Far demonstrative.Sowh vaenzbig dox bae hawj naeh, zanghwnz dix bihnongx zoq maz saeh saeg kaeujnded.在第二天准备出示礼物的那一天,那天晚上亲戚们来帮助捣碎米糊。On the day in which one prepares to go present the gifts the next day, that night the relatives then come to help to pound the rice paste.侬话西北次土语Northwestern Daez Dialect diz2复合Compoundgaenqdixdoiqdixle'dixle2paenqdixti⁵⁵ti⁵³ti⁵³ti³³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
dix4v支起来straight up, erectti⁵³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
diz1数量nclf户;套classifier for houses and householdsti³³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
diz2侬话西北次土语的Northwestern Daez Dialect ofdix3Third person personal pronoun, unspecified for animacy and gender, usually singular, though sometimes used to represent groups also.pers propers pro1third person singular masculine personal pronoun2third person singular feminine personal pronoun3third person singular neuter personal pronountiz³³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
dizmoiqnsnow复合由Compound ofmoiq1ti³³muei¹¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County原始台语Proto-Tai*hnəi A1李方桂 1977年Li Fang-Kuei 1977
dizngihnfrostti³³ŋi³¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
do11数量nclfThe noun classifier for animals, ghosts and other supernatural beings except for God (Sen). Some speakers from the Xichou and Malipo areas use this classifier for children also. It is unknown how widespread that is--it doesn't seem to be used this way in Zhetu (Guangnan County), where goanz, dij, etc. are used instead.Dij mu ex hax, "Do nu mboq saw naeh hawj dix ni inx'naeh."Little pig said, "Make this dirty rat leave here."Mawz faek'laih mawz zawh do ndae zawz mawj?You really think you are the top dog? You think you are really something!被类别的名词Classified Nounbaet鸭子duckchaen1麒麟unicorndinz马蜂waspdoqgvax马蜂hornetdoqraeh蜂种类bee or hornet (field bee)doqtowng蜜蜂honeybeedoqtwng蜜蜂honeybeegaep gaep 青蛙(种类)frog (species of)gaeq3chickengaeux猫头鹰owlgvang鹿deerlingz2猴子monkeyloaz骡子mulelongz1dragonloq2兔子rabbitma2dogmbejgoatmehdongjkangj四脚蛇lizardmoazcowmyauq2catnaeq2松树squirrelnanx1野羊wild sheepnax蛔虫;寄生虫intestinal wormsndown2蚯蚓wormndwn2蚯蚓wormngowg鳄鱼crocodilengug水神water spiritnguzsnakenoag1birdnoagbiadhaeb鸽子pigeon; dovenoagchomj斑鸠turtledovenoag'enqlenh燕子swallownoagzog麻雀sparrownu老鼠ratpi鬼;魔鬼ghost; demonsen zawxkauq信使精神messenger spiritsow老虎tigervaiz水牛water buffaloyeuh 1秃鹫vulturezaeuh青蛙small frogzangx大象elephant类别词Classifieryeuh 1eagle复合Compoundto'do2pers propers pro只;它it侬话中部次土语Central Nong Dialectdu1do'bodo'ndogdoihdodoruxchaegdoruxmbinto¹³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County原始台语Proto-Tai*tue A1李方桂 1977年Li Fang-Kuei 1977
do2advthough borrowed from Chinese, it's meaning is more restricted than the Chinese "duo3." It is used only as a comparative adverb of degreeto¹³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
do'bon野生动物wild animal复合由Compound ofdo1bo侬话中部次土语Central Nong Dialectdu'bosaeuh do'boto¹³po¹³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
do'meh1n头目;老大leader; head (of movement)复合由Compound ofto 2to¹³mɛ³¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
do'meh2n雌性动物female animal反义词Antonymdo'taek雄性动物male animal复合由Compound ofdo1 1meh 4to¹³mɛ³¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
do'ndoagn邪恶的野兽This term is used as an epithet of hatred or disgust for another person.复合由Compound ofdo1 1ndoag 1to¹³ʔdɔk¹¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
do'ndogn坏东西no good piece of trash复合由Compound ofdo1ndoagto¹³ʔdɔk¹¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
do'taekn雄性动物male animal反义词Antonymdo'meh2雌性动物female animal复合由Compound ofdo1 1taek2to¹³tʰak⁵⁵广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
doag1形容adjsingle侬话边界次土语(麻栗坡县)Border Nong Dialect (Malipo County) dog1bowngdoaggoanzdoagmbaeddoagzawdoagtɔk³¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan Countytɔk³¹砚山县Yanshan County原始台语Proto-Tai *dɔk D2L李方桂 1977年Li Fang-Kuei 1977
doag2形容adj周围surroundingtɔk¹¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
doag3vread, studydoagswpuj doagswtɔk³¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
doagsw物主代poss pn读书;上学go to schoolPhrasal Verb ofdoag3sw2tɔk³¹θɯ¹³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County