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mbozton头(身体的)more specific than "to" that can be used metaphorically for many other things复合由Compound ofmboztoʔbo³³tʰo¹³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
mbuv害怕fear同义词Synonymsmauh2惧怕be afraid; terrifiedmbu daengz nyuh maenq zonh sawmbu daengz nyuh maenq zwnh sawmbu gaj daenh mboq ruxndeq ndinjʔbu¹³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
mbu daengz nyuh maenq zonh sawv惧怕得连撒尿so scared he peed in his pants习语Idiom ofmbumaenqnyuhzonhʔbu¹³ taŋ³³ ɲu³¹ man¹¹ tɕon³¹ θaɯ¹³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
mbu daengz nyuh maenq zwnh sawv惧怕得连撒尿so scared he peed in his pants习语Idiom ofmbumaenqnyuhzwnhʔbu¹³ taŋ³³ ɲu³¹ man¹¹ tɕɯn³¹ θaɯ¹³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
mbu gaj daenh mboq ruxndeq ndinj成/习语idiom以某种方式做某事以吸引别人的注意力。To do something in a manner intended to attract other people's attention.习语Idiom ofmbugaj1daenhmboq1ruxndeqndinjʔbu¹³ ka²² tan³¹ ʔbo¹¹ ðu⁵³ʔde¹¹ ʔdin²²广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
mbuangj侬话东北次土语的Northeastern Nong Dialect ofmbongjʔbuaːŋ²²广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
mbud1形容adjblind侬话东北次土语Northeastern Nong Dialectmboad2ta'mbudʔbut¹¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County原始台语Proto-Tai*ʔbɔt D1L李方桂 1977年Li Fang-Kuei 1977
mbud2v祭祀;献sacrifice, offer as a sacrificepuj mbudʔbuət¹¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
mbug侬话边界次土语(马关县)的Border Nong Dialect (Maguan County) ofmbukʔbuk¹¹麻栗坡县Malipo County
mbuhmbih mbuhmbihv窃窃私语privately grumbleʔbu³¹ʔbi³¹ ʔbu³¹ʔbi³¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
mbukn束;捆bundle侬话边界次土语(马关县)Border Nong Dialect (Maguan County) mbugʔbuk⁵⁵广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
mbukmbukadv大群;大云In droves, in clouds; can be used of milling or rioting crowds of people or billowing clouds coming out from a tobacco-smoking tower, etc.ʔbuk⁵⁵ʔbuk⁵⁵广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
mbun侬话边界次土语(麻栗坡县)的Bordern Nong (Malipo) ofmbinʔbun²⁴麻栗坡县Malipo County
mbungjn泥潭mireʔbuŋ²²广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
mbut方言变体Dialectal Variant ofkut2vdigʔbut⁵⁵广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County原始台语Proto-Tai*xut D1S李方桂 1977年Li Fang-Kuei 1977
mbwv设计devise a planʔbɯ¹³西畴县Xichou County
mbwnn天空skyʔbɯn²⁴麻栗坡县Malipo County
mbwnq1v冒泡Originally used of the gas bubbles emerging from pickling vegetables in a pottery jar (pronounced the same as the word for jar), but now used more widely, for example the bubbling up of a natural hot spring.ʔbɯn¹¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
mbwnq2n罐子jar, pot. Traditionally made of pottery, but now often this word is used for purchased plastic barrels and pots. Used for storing or fermenting tofu, pickled vegetables, liquor, water, etc.ʔbɯn¹¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
mbyaep形容adj1吹牛的;撒谎的braggart; deceiver2夸大exaggerate3撒谎Difference between this sense of mbyaep and yaix is that the latter is "deceive" and often implies some success, whereas this only implies someone lying, often without people believing him. Often this is used by those who know or suspect that the speaker is making things up.复合Compoundbaegmbyaepʔbʲap⁵⁵广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
mbyah1疑问quest part疑问分词。Question particle for binary questions in the past (perfective aspect). Differs from "mbaeuq" in that "mbaeuq" is most commonly used for intention or future possibility.Mawz jin byaeuz mbyah?你吃晚饭了吗?Have you eaten dinner?2疑问quest part疑问分词。Used for a question that expresses doubt that something asserted is true.3语气modal语气分词。Used at the end of a statement that does not give new information but reminds the audience of a true fact that no one disagrees with but that one's actions or words are perhaps not in accord with. For example, a mother reminding a demanding child that he is the child, not the parent.Mawz zawh cohcaenz mbyah, yauq biak kauq lauxcwz.你是学生,毕竟你应该服从你的老师。You're the student, after all, you should obey your teacher.ʔbja³¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
mbyaujv吹牛;夸张To exaggerate or boast about something.mbyaujmbyauj daengz'hwxʔbjaːu²²广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
mbyaujmbyauj daengz'hwxv吹牛;很夸张Uncontrolled boasting of things one can never really achieve, often due to drunkenness.复合由Compound ofmbyaujdaengz'hwxʔbaːu²²ʔbaːu²² taŋ³³hɯ⁵³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
mbyaxnknifeʔbʲa⁵³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County原始台语Proto-Tai *vra C2李方桂 1977年Li Fang-Kuei 1977
mbyeujmbauj形容adj凸凹不平dented, crumpled. Describes the surface of one's face, tools or other objects such as a dented metal can, etc.Mbyeuj'mbauj se, zaek'gaj haej ah.His face is all crumpled up, he's about to cry.ʔbjeːu²²ʔbaːu²²广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County