dix31pers propers pro他;她;它Third person singular personal pronoun, unspecified for gender or animacy.复合Compoundboangxdixchangzdix物主代poss pn他的;她的;它的Third person singular possessive personal pronoun. (Not marked for gender or animacy.)Mwz haemh nduq dix lej, mwz lixcowq ndowj, haemh daih ngih dix, paenqdix naengz cha mboq ndaej najgaengx, paenqdix zoq bae swx saejfaz, swx nowfaz, maz yaq bae sowh haenz gunghdih naeh noanz. 虽然他们第一个晚上住在一家旅馆,但是在他们的第二个晚上,他们仍然没有找到工作,然后他们去买了被子和被套,并且做了这个,去了一个公共场所睡觉。Although on their first night they stayed in an inn, on their second night, they still had not found work, they then went to buy quilt-stuffing and quilt covers, and having done this, went to a public place to sleep.2pers propers pro他们Third person plural personal pronoun. This form is primarily used when the plurality is not in focus. When emphasizing the plural number, plural words are prefixed, for example "paenq" and "le" in Guangnan County and "boangx" in Maguan and some other areas.Rownz goanzzaiz naeh hoakqiag: Jin sam vaenz, vaenznduq dix jin mwngx byaeuz ux, vaenzlaeng jin daengz vaenz, vaenz daih sam jin ngaiz yaq zoq qiag byaeg. 男人的家里有客人:他们吃了三天,第一天吃了晚饭,第二天吃了一整天,第三天吃了早餐,然后 分散到他们的家中。The household of the man hosts guests: They eat for three days, on the first day they eat a supper, on the next day they eat all day long, and on the third day they eat the morning meal and then disperse to their homes.物主代poss pn他们的;她们的;它们的Third person plural possessive personal pronoun.Dezmeh dix goj mboq miz zaw zau. 父亲和母亲没有兴趣训练他们。The father and mother had no interest in disciplining them.3指示代dem那个Far demonstrative.Sowh vaenzbig dox bae hawj naeh, zanghwnz dix bihnongx zoq maz saeh saeg kaeujnded.在第二天准备出示礼物的那一天,那天晚上亲戚们来帮助捣碎米糊。On the day in which one prepares to go present the gifts the next day, that night the relatives then come to help to pound the rice paste.侬话西北次土语Northwestern Daez Dialect diz2复合Compoundgaenqdixdoiqdixle'dixle2paenqdixti⁵⁵ti⁵³ti⁵³ti³³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County