naeujngaz语气modal语气分词。A modal particle used for situations in which one's behavior or situation actually reflects back on oneself, sometimes used where "also" might be used in English. Can be used for both complementary and pejorative or accusing statements.Mawz mang bohmeh mawz, goj zawh mang hoakri mawz naeujngaz.骂你的父母,就是骂自己。If you curse your parents, that's the same as cursing yourself.Mawz miz goj zawh gaenq gux miz naeujngaz.你有什么, 我就有什么。Whatever you have is the same as mine. [Said by a wife or parents to husband or children.]复合由Compound ofnaeujnau²²ŋa³³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County