ndeu1基数card numone2形容adj同样;一样the same as; used following "lumj:" "feels X the same way"复合Compoundbaihndeu3从属连coordconn比得上equal to, as...asGux rux mboq ndeu dix.I am not as capable as him. (I am not equal to him.)4advUsed in Xichou Nong in the formula "daengz...NOUN...ndeu" to mean: "even NOUN also."Sau Noangz zoq naenx dix: “Bae, bae cha puj'jeq maz, bae cha puj'jeq maz, zaemh naengh hoak'nyaeux, qingj daengz duj Sam maz ndeu.” The Nong young woman urged him, "Go, go get the old people, bring the old people to play with us, even bring Du Sam."baenzndeundeusongsamʔdeːo¹³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County原始台语Proto-Tai*ʔdiau A1李方桂 1977年Li Fang-Kuei 1977