nwh侬话中北次土语(广南县旧莫乡)的Jiumo District (Guangnan County) Dialect ofdaz1v1想起think about2记得;回忆起remember3关心;想;担心care about, love, honor (e.g. parents)4祝福To bless someone. This term is used of an invisible entity who is capable of bettering the life of the living by "thinking" or "blessing" the living. Traditionally the concept was that the living performed certain ceremonies in order to cause the ancestors or deities to "nwh" think about or remember the living and this would result in happiness or prosperity for the living. 5觉得To feel something to be the case; to have the impression that something is true.复合Compounddungznwhnwh ndaejnwh taengzaemh nwh laeng短语动词Phrasal Verbnwh goanz naeh nyaeuznwh maz ingjnɯ³¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County