daengz'hwx1adv免费free2adv浪费精力;白白地做,没有什么回报。To no purpose, use a resource with no useful return.Go maex naeh gaz ndaw swn daengzhwx.这颗树白白地用菜园的位子。【不结果】This tree is taking up space in the garden to no purpose.3adv不用任何手段Simply, straight-forward, honest dealing, without any trickery.4语气modal只能can only5adv绝对This word expresses absolute certainty that something will not (did not) or should not happen. It can be used only this way in negative propositions, similarly to the manner in which to "singjringh" is used in affirmative statements.复合由Compound ofdaengz 2mbyaujmbyauj daengz'hwxtaŋ³³xɯ⁵³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County