pati1pativdiemampa:timampaːtiAVbe dyingmappatimappatimappatipatiAVdieMappati attanan a atti angèsnaAll the creatures will die.A:yi: a ka:man=i a wagèt a kinuma:man a wagèt, me''a:du mappatipati i:yan, mappati=tid.In the river, the water of which increased (i.e. flooding), a lot of fish died. They where someone diedkappatipativjust died Kappatipati ni gilangan=i aytay.The man has died just now.mamampapatiAVkill each other Namampapati=d=tid.They killed each other (multiple people).pa:mapatipaːmapati1AVnonfinite form of "mamapati"; slaughter, have a potency to kill people or animalsPa:mapati bukarot ta agani:.Crocodiles have a potency to kill people.2AVthings used to kill something or someone, such as knifes and gunspa:mapati=ku

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