ᦅᦼkuj⁴20001nounfistᦟᦴᧅ 3ᦂᧄ ᦅᦼ.He made a fist.ᦷᦍᧅ ᦅᦼ.He raised his fist.ᦅᦼ ᦣᦰ ᦈᦸᧉ.He pounded on the table with his fist.ᦅᦼ ᦎᦸᧅᧈ ᦎᦲᧃ ᦎᧄ.They beat him and kicked him., such as the stomach of a fish1.6.2.3Parts of a fishᦟᦴᧅᦅᦼ

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