bbiexr bʲæ̠ʔ²¹1v.flash/shǎn/Armei almerbbiexr a, bbiexrbbiexlbbiexr bbiexr dae. 昨晚闪电,闪闪地闪着。Last night there was lightning, (and) it flashed brightly.2adj.shiny/liàng/Yar leixrzzu bbor yarzi bbiexr. 她的手镯很亮。Her bracelet is very shiny.Yar pia bbiexrbbiexrmo ar xiux veixr dae . 他穿着一件亮亮的衣服。S/he was wearing some shiny clothing.This means cloth that has shiny patterns or shiny decorations of some kind sewn on to it./bbiexr/ 亮着; 亮 – 可以用来形容绣在衣服上面的闪亮的图案;或是缝制衣服上面的闪亮的装饰品。Compare 另见almerbbiexrbbiexrbbiexlbbiexrbbobbolbbobbiexr bʲæ̠ʔ²¹

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