lazziddexɮa³³-dzɿ³³-də̠⁴⁴🔊v.go as a guest bringing a gift送竹米/sòng zhú mǐ/Yar aniux ddox xiu teixl lei ceingor ni loxr a, yel arggeni lazziddex du a. 他们的孩子生下来到十五天了,所以明天要送竹米。It has been fifteen days since she gave birth to a child, so tomorrow it is time to have the ceremony for giving the mother a gift.1. This word is used when there is some traditional get-together--like a wedding for example, and the members of the society--family members or close friends--have a part in the activities and perhaps bring food or something else to the celebration. It also happens when someone gives birth, in which case it can also be referred to as /laho/. 这个字用在有传统性质的聚集场合--譬如像婚礼,社区中的成员像家人或好友,来参与这项活动的人,带着礼物(食物或其他的东西)来一起庆祝。也可以在祝贺友人新生孩子,那种情况下也可以叫 /laho/ (送竹米)。The word /laho/ is used when referring to taking a gift to someone else's home when someone in that house has just given birth. The word /lazziddex/ is used when referring to when a family who has just given birth invites guests who will be bringing gifts to their home./laho/ 这个字用在祝贺人生孩子,上门送礼的场合。/lazziddex/ 是一个家庭新生了孩子,邀请客人来庆祝,这些客人会带礼物上门。Compare 另见laholazziddiex ɮa³³-dzɿ³³-də̠⁴⁴

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