varssorva²¹zo²¹🔊n.cabbage; Chinese cabbage小白菜/xiǎo báicài/Varssor mel vaer ho a mel dder varpiupiu loxr a.小白菜长大了就成了白菜。After (the cabbage which is called) "varssor" has grown it becomes (the cabbage which is called) varpiulpiu.Varssor mel yelye ar nga. Arleixr cir a, cir cu cir cu zeixl lel lalssa.小白菜是小小的。洗一下就一棵一棵的煮吃。The 'varssor is (when certain vegetables) are small. After washing, stem by stem they is boiled to eat.Varssor is most often referring to cabbage when it is still small but it can be used to refer to other vegetables as well.Compare 另见varpiupiu


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