mipaermi³³pʰæ²¹🔊n.field without trees; grassy field; meadow; moor; plain草地/cǎodì/Halleix ngua sulzzaggie mel mipaer zza, nael eilleix xi zi ho a. 以前,我们读书的地方有草地,但现在已经盖房子了。In the past our school had a grassy field, but now a house has been built (there).Mipaerbbae gga mel sixzzei darmumu mel nr ner, silbbar lar zza. 旷野里没有高大的树,只有草。On the meadow tall trees don't grow, there is only grass.mipaer ~ mipaerbbae.Compare 另见daemihielmihielpaermimipaerbbaesexbex ciliso mimipaerbbae mi³³pʰæ²¹bæ³³

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