cirbelde tsʰɿ²¹pɯ⁵⁵tə³³n.garbage垃圾/lājī/Jjiumo car gga cirbelde mel hiel mi gga ji a, yarzi naxrcixl. 路上的垃圾放在干地里,很肥奥。If the compost and manure on the road is put on the dry fields, it is very good (for the crops).The information in this example was true in the past when the "garbage" consisted of biodegradable garbage and manure that got thrown in the road and was later used to fertilize the fields. These days the garbage consists of non-biodegradable things like plastic and such so it obviously can not be used as fertilizer for the fields any more.这个例子里的信息内容在过去是正确的。过去的垃圾多半包括了丢在路当中可降解的废物,以后可以用来施肥。 如今垃圾包含有不可降解的废物,如同朔料带,所以不能用来施肥。Compare 另见cirqirbelde tʃʰi²¹pɯ⁵⁵tə³³

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