pangasakannEngpaddy sow season, star constellation for rice planting season (Orion)BMmusim menyemai padi huma, tumpukan bintang sebagai panduan musim tanam padiIt ongoondu mamangasok no ong sumakai no i pangasakan. EngThe women start planting hill rice, as soon as the planting constellation is in the the zenith.BMWanita-wanita menugal padi bukit, sesudah tumpukan bintang musim padi di puncak.Star constellation to discern the rice planting season. There are 3 constellations called "pangasakan", namely Muru-Puru, Roo and Valatik. All three constellations can be seen in the sky each year in the 4th month of the Rungus calendar (September).unspec. comp. form ofasok

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