Browse Vernacular – English


شَبطفعلخائف ؛ يخشىhe is afraid, he fears; isذ terrifiedشَبط عان...He is afraid of, he fears
شباحفعلمد قدميهhe stretched out his legs
شَبىفعلاعتقد؛ اخطأ he thought, believed, mistook
شَجءفعلفعلhe did
شحبَڸفعليشعر بالضيق he feels, is bothered byاقادمك عس حتاره عموك هس "نَم شحبولش؟ نام اڟاحش"I saw she was sad so I said to her "What's bothering you, what hurts?" / "What do you feel? What hurts?"
شحابرفعلhe greeted, inquired, made small talk
شَرقحفعلhe went out, departed
شَعلىفعلمرتفعit is high, tall
شعابرفعلأستلمhe received
شَعىفعلجرىhe ran
شَقعىفعلأنفتحit is open
شَقنعفعلوثقhe trusts, entrustsديهو بيه شَقنعك عَس ديهو موكشم I trust my mother with my son.
شقابتفعلتعلمhe learned
شقاعفعلhe laid down on his backشقاع لطادع
شكَرفعلجيدhe is goodحسُنhe is goodجميل he is beautiful
شَڸحىفعلعميقit is deep
شَلجتفعلاصبع القدم المرتطمstubbed his toeتقابلت معhe ran into
شَلقففعلاستحقhe deserves
شنِحنضمير الجر معناwith us

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