dolmakdo:lmak1vto be filled, be filled upHowuz suwdan doldy.The water reservoir was full.Meniň ýazuw depderim doldy.My notebook was filled.Stadion adamdan doldy.The stadium was filled with people.Içeri tozandan doldy.The house was filled with dust.Şiriniň gözler ýaşdan doldy.The eyes of Shirin were filled with tears.Asmanyň ýüzi bulutdan doldy.The sky was full of clouds.Dolýança guýsana!Fill her up!Bedreleri suwdan dolduryp goýdum.I filled buckets with water.2vto complete, fill upOlar bellenen plany doldular.They completed the agreed plan.3vto reachMeniň ýigrimi ýaşym doldy.I've reached the age of twenty.Gyzymyň ýedi ýaşy dolanda okuwa gider.When my daughter reaches the age of seven she will start school.4fulfil, carry outPagta planymyzy dolmak üçin biz gijämizi gündiz edip işläris.In order to fulfil our cotton target we will work day and night.damagyň dolmakph. v.vto become tearfulAýşadyň damagy dolup aglady.Ayshad became tearful and cried.sabyr käsäň dolmakph. v.for one's patience to be exhaustedMugallymyň sabyr käsesi doldy, betçilik eden okuwçyny direktoryň ýanyna ugratdy.The teacher's patience was exhausted so he sent the student who had misbehaved to the head teacher.ýüregiň dolmakph. reach one's limitSabrym gaçyp, ýüregim dolup çagalara gygyrdym.I couldn't bear it any more, I'd reached my limit, so I shouted at the children.

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