壮语 - 英语 - 汉语



naenx1vhunt; pursueIjrawz miz maeghuj zoq naenx bae rawz zoq bae jeh nyaj roak.无论哪里有黄泡,我们去了那里,草地到处都很厚。Wherever there were yellow berries, we went there and the grass was very thick everywhere.2及物动vturge, press, hurryYah sau Noangz naeh zoq naenx dix: “Duj Niz aj, song goanz raeuz yinqgaiz bae cha jij goanz pujjeq ux, maz jixcinh gaenqraeuz hoak po'mez yah, raeuz jehhunz yah.” 侬人年轻女子逼他,“杜妮啊,我们两个应该去找一些老人,并安排成为夫妻,我们会结婚。”The Nong young woman pressed him, "Du Ni ah, we two should go find some old people, and arrange to become husband and wife, we'll get married."nan⁵³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
naepvstick innap⁵⁵广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
naeq1助词verbprt还没A negative sentence final particle used to complement "mboq" that emphasizes that the action that has not yet occured may still happen in the future. nai¹¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
naeq2n松树squirrel类别词Classifierdo1 1nai¹¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
naetv发麻fall asleep; go numbdin naetfoot feel asleepDix qen naet.He hit his funny bone.侬话中北次土语(广南县旧莫乡)Northcentral Nongz (Jiumo District, Guangnan County) Dialectnyetnat⁵⁵广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
naeu疑问quest part是不是?don't you?nau¹³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
naeuh1v腐烂rot复合Compoundmaennaeuhnau³¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County原始台语Proto-Tai*nəu B2李方桂 1977年Li Fang-Kuei 1977
naeuh2adv完全absolutelyA-B-A-C 重复A-B-A-C Reduplication Pattern Phrasembowqtai-mbowqnaeuhnou³¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
naeujadv1其实In fact, in contrast to what was previously believed.Mboq zawh gux haeggaj jin imq, zawh dix gaemh gux jin naeuj.不是我想喝醉,实际上是他迫使我喝酒。It wasn't me who wanted to get drunk, actually it was he who pressured me to drink.2毕竟after all俗语Idiomgojndaej naeujmahnaeujbojlehnaeujgoahnaeujmawjnaeujmaxnaeujmbyohnaeujngaznau²²广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
naeujbojleh1感叹interj好吗?okay?2语气modal语气分词。This phrase expresses the strong surprise at something unexpected, or a feeling that really it would be better if this didn't happen. 3语气modal语气词。A modal particle used at the end of greetings to mean something like "I trust you are...(well)."复合由Compound ofnaeujkaeuj van naeujbojleh?mawz yuqndae naeujbojlehnau²² po²²le³¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
naeujgah语气modal肯定的回答时使用的模态粒子。A modal particle used when answering a question in the affirmative.nau²²ka³¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
naeujgoah语气modal语气分词。An expression of frustration over an unfair accusation, etc.复合由Compound ofnaeujnau²²kɔ³¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
naeujloaj语气modal语气分词。A phrase-final modal particle.Daengz gvaiq goj zawh gvaiq mawz naeujloaj.即使怪也是怪你啊。If you want to cast blame, blame yourself.复合由Compound ofnaeuj 2loaj自由变体Free Variantnaeujlohnau²²lɔ²²广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
naeujloh自由变体Free Variant ofnaeujloajnau³³lo³¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
naeujmawj疑问quest partUsed in rhetorical questions which are a criticism of someone for not doing as the speaker expects them to. Often if follows a statement of the way things ought to be. Mawz goj maih naeuj'mawj?Are you still resting?复合由Compound ofnaeujmawjnau²²maɯ²²广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
naeujmax1疑问quest part反问分词。Used in questions where the answer is assumed to be affirmative and known by all. The point of the question is to remind everyone of a seemingly obvious fact.2语气modal语气分词。Used to emphasize the minimal nature of a task, person, role, etc.Gux ndut naemx qiat naeuj'max.I'll just drink cold water.复合由Compound ofnaeujmax2侬话中北次土语(广南县旧莫乡)Northcentral Nongz (Jiumo District, Guangnan County) Dialectnaeujmaz复合Compoundwznaeujmahnau²²ma⁵³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
naeujmaz侬话中北次土语(广南县旧莫乡)的Jiumo District (Guangnan County) Dialect ofnaeujmaxnau²²ma⁵³广南县旧莫乡Jiumo District, Guangnan County
naeujmbyoh语气modal命令式分词。An imperative particle, beseeching the other.复合由Compound ofnaeujmbyohnau²²ʔbʲo³¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
naeujneh语气modal语气分词。This sentence final particle is used in imperative sentences.nau²²ne³¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
naeujngaz语气modal语气分词。A modal particle used for situations in which one's behavior or situation actually reflects back on oneself, sometimes used where "also" might be used in English. Can be used for both complementary and pejorative or accusing statements.Mawz mang bohmeh mawz, goj zawh mang hoakri mawz naeujngaz.骂你的父母,就是骂自己。If you curse your parents, that's the same as cursing yourself.Mawz miz goj zawh gaenq gux miz naeujngaz.你有什么, 我就有什么。Whatever you have is the same as mine. [Said by a wife or parents to husband or children.]复合由Compound ofnaeujnau²²ŋa³³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
naeundedv晒太阳sunbathe复合由Compound ofnded2nau¹³ʔdʲet¹¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
naeuqv然后thennou¹¹广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
naeuqhongzn玉米的穗轴corn cob复合由Compound ofhongz1nau¹¹hoŋ³³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
naeux1助词verbprt1even a little?2吗;呢Expresses frustration at a situation that is still not the desired situationnau³⁵广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County
naeux2n一点a littlenau⁵³广南县者兔乡Zhetu District, Guangnan County