Browse Vernacular – English


حتَرفعلزعلhe was angryهو كان حزين ؛ هو كان منزعج he was sad, he was upset
حتليههفعلShe had a miscarriage
حتَميإسمrope made from twisting together dried palm leaves
حتارقفعلhe is mad
حتاءىفعلhe regrets
حَجرفعلhe guarded
حَدبصفةfamiliar, known, not a strangerءَسعك طاد عاج شَبك توي ديرهي ناطن حادب عَربك تويI met a man, I thought (at first) he was a stranger but actually he was familiar I know him.
حَدرفعلhe builtحيدر إنهي قاعر حاڛيA different house was built for me.
حَدمفعلاشتغلhe worked
حَرفعلhe repelledتحير عان نهفش ادبيبُهRepel from yourself / shoo away the fly.he protected, prevented
حَرجفعلit flowed
حرَرهنصفةقليلlittle, a few, less
حَرطفعلhe pulled out, slid out
حَرءفعلhe looked for, searched forhe tried
حَزجفعلtie legs of cow for milking
حَزلفعل he hateddespisehe oppressed
حَڛفعلhe helped
حسورصفةa littleجداحن جاحي عجَبن نرباع بيڛي ريهو حسورWe came to the wadi, we wanted to swim but there wasn't water, just a little.
حَصفعلخيطhe sewedsp. var. ofحاصى

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