Browse Vernacular – English


زَجدفعل he liftedhe answered (the telephone)سَهن ال زخَده تليفنShe didn't answer her phone.
زَعىفعلاخذhe took
زَفنهإسمgate, door made of sticks or palm branch sticks tied together
زفاقهإسمstinging nettle
زَلقفعلhe fetched water
زَمعفعلhe kept, saved
زمّارإسمtraditional flute
زوهرفعلhe pushed (specifically action with boat)شوحر زوهر دِيهه هوري دريهوA man pushed his boat into the water
زيجدفعلرفعتit was lifted
زاحرهإسمامرأة ممسوسة, ساحرةpossessed woman, witch
زاريإسمdecorative gold or white thread
زاعزعفعلهزة او إهتز او مهتلزit was shakingزعزوعه سياره بءورمThe car was shaking on the road
زامإسمزمن ، موسمtime, seasonبسلامه أهده لزامNext year at this time...
زاملفعلحمل حمارhe loaded, packed (things on a donkey)
زانجإسميحملbundlebaby swing